Friday, August 31, 2007

招財貓,Fortune Cat

小芥 : 阿丹~ 你在幹麻啊??
michico : Adan, what are you doing??
阿丹 : 有個東西擋在我的貓草前面!!
Adan : There is something block between my cat grass and me.
小芥 : 挖哩咧...那是招財貓拉~
michico : Ooops...that is fortune cat, ok ?? No something.

阿丹 : 我不管招財貓是怎樣...總之它擋住我的貓草就是一個錯誤....

Adan : I don't care what Fortune Cat is, it is a mistake that this cat block my cat grass...

阿丹 : 走開拉...你這個貓...你給我走開....

Adan : Move.... cat....Move away.....
阿丹 : 叫你走開你聽不聽得懂啊~~ (小芥 : 最好是聽得懂...)
Adan : I told you to move, can you understand ?

pawing pawing pawwwwwwinggg~~~

小芥 : 阿丹~!!! 不要抓招財貓啦....吼~!!


阿丹 : 不能抓就算了~!跳上來吃總可以吧~!

Adan : Okie, at least I can jump~


Yummy yummy~!


No one could stop me eating cat grass~!

★P.S. The original saying of Fortune Cat from Japan, it is a decoration which is believed in a mascot that is able to bring money to us.

Some Fortune cat raise right hand, some raise left hand. Raising right hand means bring the good luck and fortune and happiness to come this house. Raiseing left hand means the customers come in an endless stream.

If the hand raise higher than head, it means could bring the lucky from far away. If the hand raise near the cheek, it means could bring the luck near place. Anyway, it is a cat decoration could bring good luck. So, Japanese think cats are for good luck.

I think we all think cat could bring good luck.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

悲傷的一週...Sad week



Recently, we lose many friends.

I put down my toys and look up through the windows, I watch them, miss them, pray for them. Today, michico hugs me very tight. She hugs me into her chest, I can hear her heartbeat very clearly. I know, she wants to let me know, she loves me.

We will all miss our friends.

[串聯文]名字第一字的延伸,[meme] Scattergories meme

又來一個串聯文,怎麼常常被點名寫一些好玩的串聯文呢 ? 我只能說老外真的很愛寫串聯文啊~!不過這個實在是很有趣,但是卻沒辦法用中文來回答啊,我想大家看下面的就了解了~
I was tagged for the Scattergories Meme by Tyler.Here are the rules:Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the questions.They must be real places, names, things ... nothing made up! (Except…we're cats…we don't know human streets and things…so we can bend the rules just a bit here.) If you can't think of anything, skip it. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.
Here we go:
1. Famous Singer: ABBA (有名的歌星,阿?好像有個明星最近也叫阿丹??)
2. Four letter word: ably (四個字的字母,阿里巴巴好了)
3. Street: Adam Street, I found this street on Yahoo Map near Washington, because we don't have "A" street here.(街道...想一想有叫阿什麼的街道嘛orz)
4. Color: Azure, this is Toshie auntie's favorite color. (顏色...有叫阿色的嘛orz)
5. Gifts/Presents: autograph(禮物,禮物阿開頭的好像很少)

6. Vehicle: Alfa Romeo (車名? 英文我寫阿法羅密歐~~嘿嘿~~)

7. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Authorized photo (在紀念品商店會賣的東西...挖阿哉...)

8. Boy Name: Alan (男生的名字,阿貓阿狗嘛?)

9. Girl Name: Audery (女生的名字,阿珠與阿花??)

10. Movie Title: Artificial Intelligence: AI (電影名稱...)


11. Drink: Apple juice (飲料...)

12. Occupation: architect (職業,職業A開頭也滿多的,不過阿好像沒有orz)

13. Celebrity: Anthony Hopkins, michico's favorite actor (名人,我也安東尼霍普金斯,是小芥最喜愛的演員)

14. Magazine: Alternative Medicine (雜誌)

15. U.S. City: Alameda (美國的城市...這真是累人...我還上美國的yahoo map找XD)

16. Pro Sports: Atlanta Braves Merchandise (職業體育隊伍...天啊查這個簡直是太累人)

17. Fruit: Apple (水果~)

18. Reason for Being Late for Work: Adan is doing very adorable pose and I have to take pictures. (遲到的原因,終於有一題寫得比較順了,就是因為阿丹太可愛所以我要拍照因此遲到)

19. Something You Throw Away: Ailing (什麼事情想丟開,就是生病想丟開囉)

20. Things You Shout: Are you kidding me??? (什麼事情我會要大叫的,應該就是"阿丹"吧)

21. Cartoon Character: Aladdin (卡通角色的名字,還好這個中英文都有通,阿拉丁XD)

終於結束了 ,感恩,這個串聯文太困難了~! 讓我一直看美國的城市~ 至少我現在也很會用美國的Yahoo地圖~! 挖哈~!

Finally finished.... Thank God, this meme is so difficult to me~! Thanks for tagging me, that is a great experience, now I can use Yahoo Map very well~!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

遠方寄來的卡片 Recieved a Card from Miss Peach~!

阿丹 : 姨姨~ 妳手上拿的是什麼??

Adan : michico~ What's that on your hand??

小芥 : 這是Miss Peach給我們的卡片喔~!

michico : This is a card(from Miss Peach) for both of us~!

謝謝妳~! Miss Peach, 真的是太美了~!

Thank you, Miss Peach, that is so beautiful~!


I enjoy reading this card each moment~!
阿丹 : 謝謝妳~!我會永遠珍惜~!
Adan : Thank you, I will cherish this friendship forever~!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

客廳小散步,walking at the corner of living room

Every morning, before michico goes to work, I will ask her to walk with me, the window side of living room is facing east, so, every morning we have lots of sunshine.


I always go around the house, because I am one of this house's guardians, too.
Keep up to see the sunshine in my house~!

I can walk around for 10 more minutes.


Althought I like stay in bedroom more, but if michico walk with me longer, we will spend more time be together before she goes to work.


What a beautiful day today~!

聽說今天晚上全台灣都可以看見月全蝕喔~! 台北時間星期二下午四點五十一分開始,而全蝕景象,則將出現在星期二傍晚五點五十二分。大家要看喔~! 結束時間到晚上八點多喔~!

Hey guys, today we could see eclipse~! Remember to look up the sky tonight~!!! The news about eclipse please click here.
謝謝大家參加十週年慶活動,目前michico姨姨正在等待還有一位快樂獎得主,她還在決定明信片,等到她決定好了就可以開始印製了,我會隨時跟大家報告狀況的~! 所有參加的人也可以寫信給我告訴我寄件地址的~!
Meanwhile, thanks for every kitties join 10 years celebration activity, right now michico is still waiting for a happy award winner, she is still considering 1 photo, after she decided, we could place the order to print the post card, I will report to everyone about the newest condition about post card. All of the attendants could email to me to inform the sending address now.

My email -

Monday, August 27, 2007

揭曉~!announce the winner of award~!

Drawing begins~!

If you can't see the watercolor painting drawing vedio, please click here to see.
Drawing is too tired for me, I want to sleep now....
Congratulations to you~!!! You will have michico's orginal painting~!
小芥 : 第二次抽籤開始....抽完特獎後...阿丹就睡覺了~! 所以後來的快樂獎項就移到了晚上才抽籤....
michico : The second drawing begins, after the special award, Adan fell to sleep, so the Happy award drawing move to night.

If you can't see the Special & Happy award drawing video, please click here and see.
I hope everyone is happy, 10 year celebration is so great~!
To the beautiful cat has Special award, please pick 10 photos in this ablum, and inform me the numbers of the photos.
and five very good friends who have Happy award, please also inform me 2 more numbers photos you like in this ablum, (請告訴我另外兩張你們喜歡的照片,你們總共會得到三張照片), I will sent you 2 more post card.

Karon jo(informed already), Titus & Tazo (informed already) , Emma, and Donny and Marie and Casey, please inform me the number photo of you want, still waiting~! Inform me before the Special and Happy drawing winners finish the choosing, ok~! Thank you~!!!
(The watercolor award winner, and Special and Happy award winner)
After I got the Special Award and Happy award winners inform me the photo number, I will ask everyone's sending address by email.
And please continue pray for Anastasia of the Cat Realm ~!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

吃貓草, cat grass~!



Day 2~


Day 3~


Day 4~
Day 5~

夏天果然不一樣~~ 冬天就要種超過十天才可以給阿丹吃~
In summer, planting the cat grass is much faster, it will take more than 10 days in winter.




Eat more, health more~~!

What a great food~!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

同時養暹羅和黑白貓的兩家主人,Siamese and Tuxi match...I found 2 pairs~!

I went to a bloggie today, I thought I go to the wrong place~!

This blogger have a Siamese and a Tuxi, just like Kimo and Sabi that I knew~!

下面這個是我們最喜歡的Kimo and Sabi~!

These are our favortie Kimo and Sabi~!



這兩位是Puça 和 Mistu 住在巴塞隆納~!

These are Puça and Mistu in Barcelona~!!!!

哇...一開始我以為Kimo's 媽媽換了部落格的版面呢~!但是是不同國家的人啊~!

Wowwww, at the first time I thought Kimo's Mommykitty change the template~!But they live in different country~!
What a lovely coincidence~!