Sunday, September 30, 2007

由衷期盼大家都健康快樂,Sincerely hope Sunday

Please sending your purrrs and pray for Miss Peach, Caesar and Princess , Dragonheart, Pixie, Storm and Yoggie's Momma~! Thank you~!!!!! They need our strength~!
最近有好多貓咪生病了,是因為天氣轉換嘛 ? 真的好令人擔心,台灣的貓咪們,還有可愛的嚕嚕以及喜姆,還有貓媽咪們,希望你們不要生病,阿弟的媽咪不知道病好一點了沒,希望快點痊癒,一起來感受美麗的秋天吧,這個世界沒有你們的笑容,變得沒有色彩了~!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

星期六怎麼上班嘛,how could you work on Saturday?

阿丹 : 蝦咪 ? 今天妳要上班 ? 因為前幾天放四天假嘛???
小芥 : 對啊~! 你今天可以在家繼續睡覺不受我打擾拉~!
Adan : What the...? You need to go to work Today? Because of those 4 days holiday???
michico : Yap~! You could continue sleeping today won't get any disturb by me~!

阿丹 : 可是今天是星期六~! 妳應該要陪我玩耍耶

Adan : But Today is Saturday, you should play with me~!!

小芥 : 對不起拉~! 今天不行拉~! 別生氣ㄇㄟ
michico : Sorry honey, not today, don't be mad....


(swing tail because of mad)


After thinking for a while...

阿丹 : 姨姨....妳要想我喔~! 我最乖了~! 妳要早點回家陪我喔~!!! 我今天會乖乖在加等妳回來的~!

Adan : Ok then....michico, thinking of me Okay? I am a good kid, so you shall come home earlier ok?? I will be right here to wait you coming home~! Come back earlier....
(小芥 : 每次看到這種表情我就很不想上班了)
(michico : Everytime I see this expression, I really don't want to work anymore, hehehe)

Friday, September 28, 2007

燕尾服的領結,A bow tie of Tuxedo Cat & Thank you Diamond

This is the chocolate which given by Arion to michico at August of Chinese Valentine's Day, the packing is very beautiful~!

大姨姨說巧克力也很好吃~! 不過我不愛聞巧克力貓咪也不能吃巧克力(貓不能吃巧克力這大家都哉吧),但是這巧克力跟我有何干係呢 ? 干係在下面這張照片了~!

Michico said this chocolate is very very good, but I don't like to small chocolate and neither cats could eat chocolate(cat eat chocolate will die), so what is this chocolate doing with me? Here is the answer at the next photo~!
The packing ribbon is my new bow tie~!

Am I looking good?


Good dress up for a greeting card from my very good friend - Diamond, what A good looking cat he is~!!!


I am doing the same pose just like Diamond did~!

謝拉~! Diamond,我們今年都是十歲,真是個好數字對吧~!

Thanks Diamond, we are both 10 years old this year, what a nice figure, right?
大姨姨也要跟你說謝謝~! 我真的超級開心~!!!也祝大家週末愉快~!!!
Michico also wants to say thank you, too~!! I am really really happy~!!!Wish Everybody have a great weekend as well~!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

伏地挺身姿,pushup pose

michico 小芥 :
Today, as usual, Adan is watching sparrow and pigeon sisters again. Suddenly I found an Unusual pose, that is I have never seen Adan pose before, so I took photos immediately.


It's a push-up pose to watch birdy~! (or we should say press-up on his box to watch birds)

Let's compare the difference from regular and today~!

好可愛~! 嘿嘿嘿嘿~!讓我一直拍個不停~!

So cute, hehehe~~~ I took and took pictures~!

這樣子的姿勢可以比平常坐著的姿勢看稍微前面一點又不會被下面飛翔的小鳥發覺吧 ? 真細心~!

This pose could see a little bit closer than regular sitting's eye-sight, and won't be discovered by flying birds down there, isn't it? How careful he Is~!

可愛的彎曲小腳~! 好想親喔~!

How adorable push-up little feet, I want to kiss it so much~!

Concentrate still, of course~!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

姨姨上班我睡覺,michico back to work, I back to bed

阿丹 : 今天姨姨要去上班了,經過四天的放假她竟然沒有睡過頭,看來有練過,沒有懈怠~!不過,經過四天陪姨姨玩,我也累了,她的上班日就是我的睡覺日~!
Adan : Today michico is back to work, after 4 days holiday, today she doesn't oversleep, hmmmm not bad, she is Not becoming lazy~! But, after 4 days playing with her, I am tired, her working day is my sleeping day. 小芥 : 阿丹~! 你一隻手被你紮實的身體壓住...不麻啊???
michico : Adan~! One of your hand is pressed by your big body, isn't it numbness??

阿丹 : ??? 啊???

Adan : hmmm??? what???
阿丹 : 快去上班拉~ 吼~~ 我要睡覺拉~~~吵死了~~
Adan : Hurry go to work, I am sleeping now, Hoooo.....don't bother me~~~

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

祝大家中秋節快樂,Happy Mid-Autumn to everyone & Happy Birthday To Pixie~!

今天是中秋節,在這邊畫了一張畫祝福大家中秋節快樂~!雖然月亮要到星期四凌晨才會是最圓的(根據報導),不過希望今天大家還是抬頭望一望月亮,祝福祈禱一下呢~! (可以點來放大看)
Today is Mid-Autumn Festival, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to Everyone~!!! Here to draw a watercolor to celebrate, hope everone will be happy to see this~! (you may see what is Mid-Autumn Festival here). (you can click it larger)

這是上下面都可以看的畫,主要是阿丹在上面,下面是我在作夢穿得很漂亮還有幫阿丹戴兔耳朵,真的是超級作夢他不可能讓我戴的,可是好像上面我也在作夢,因為我怎麼可以縮得這麼小跟阿丹一起呢 ? 所以我通通都在作夢~!
This is a watercolor painting you have see 2 sides, mainly, Adan is on the Top. And the upside down side is I am dreaming, that I am wearing ancient Chinese concubine's clothes and Adan is wearing jade rabbit's clothes. Which is impossible that Adan will never let me wear this on this head. But I think the Adan side I am dreaming, too. I will never could be so small to be with Adan, so both side I am dreaming, too~!


This painting~

From Morning~


Painting to sunset~


To very close toMidnight~


But it's worth it, cause I never painted for Adan this big painting size.
今晚看一下月亮~! 許個願喔~!大家都開心喔~!
Tonight, see the moon and make a wish~! Hope everyone Happy all the day~!

And Pixie, Happy Birthday, I am so happy to see you enjoy the banana for always~!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

中秋連假的悠閒,Relax holidaies Mid-Autumn Festival

阿丹 : 今年的中秋連假有四天,早上天氣滿好的,今天我起了一個大早就在看小鳥了~!
Adan : Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important holiday here in Taiwan, and the exactly holiday date by Lunar Calendar is on September 25, and the government let us have 4 days holiday, since Saturday to Tuesday<9/22~9/25>).
This morning also have very lovely weather, I woke up very early and watching my pigeon sister.
小芥 : 丹丹~! 我要去大仔家吃飯~! 讓你看家喔~!
阿丹 : 去吧~!這我很行的~!
michico : A-dan dan~~ I need to go to Arion's home having dinner with his family, so, today I will let you take care yourself, ok??
Adan : Go Ahead, I can take care everything~!

阿丹 : 我會吃飯~!

Adan : I can take care my stomach~!

超好吃~! 我的胃很滿意~!
Excellent, my stomach is Very happy~!

睡覺也沒問題~! 我會照顧我自己睡覺~!

Sleeping is no problem, I could take care myself to sleep~!!


The weather is good, the bed is good, I will be all Good~!
小芥michico :Ok....
小芥 : 晚上就到大仔家吃飯了~! (背景是大仔的家)
michico : And I go to Arion's home have dinner~!(this picture is taken in Arion's home)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

丹丹~~我愛你~~ Adan-dan~~I love You

michico 小芥 :
Adan, thank you for be with me for 10 years, watching over me since I am a teenager become a growing adult can think. (17~27 years old)
你的樣貌幾乎沒有變~! 改變的只是你的眼神藏住了很多歲月的洗鍊~!
You look almost hasn't changed, but only your eyes, were chastened by years and hiding in your limpid eyes .
Thank you for always be with me, I certainly will keep my health as well and finding many funny things let you play.
And I will keep be with you, won't let you feel alone.
阿丹 : 姨姨~! 我也很愛你喔~!