Wednesday, October 31, 2007

我的鬍鬚,whiskers Wednesday & contest

Michico is really silly, everybody take a look, she is collecting my falling whiskers. Normally some whiskers fall off, michico actually collects all of those!!

阿丹 : 姨姨妳真無聊...

小芥 : 哪會...這是我的珍藏耶~~

Adan : Michico, you are so boring....

michico : No... this is my precious collection~! 阿丹 : 讓我來咬一下~!

小芥 : 吼~~不行拉~!

Adan : then.... let me bite a little bit~!
michico : Oah No~~~~~ you can't~!!!!

有跟我姨姨一樣的姨姨嘛 ? 可惜我的鬍鬚都是白的,沒辦法讓姨姨的收藏五顏六色~!

Does your mommy have same habit as michico ? It's a little bit pity that my whiskers are all white, can't let michico have black one~! Hehehe~!

□□□□□□□□□□□□The 3rd Catster Pet Voting □□□□□□□□□□□□

Michico : Yesterday, I got a message from , suggest me could enter the 3rd contest, so I let Adan attend. I also saw many friends got this message too. So, let's attending together~!
There are many Categories could entered. I think Adan's best is the "playful" part.
Please vote for Adan at The 3rd Annual World’s Coolest Dog & Cat Show
Please vote for Adan in the World's Coolest!

Are you a Catster ? If you do, please vote for Adan's Playful contest, hehehe, this is what he do best~! And the funniest expression~!

And, Please comments to me your links if you also attending the contest, I will all vote for you~!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

黏很緊喔,Tight Tuesday

由於星期天晚上,今天我跟姨姨跟很緊,「姨姨你要上班了嘛 ? 我會等你回來喔~!」
Because of Sunday night, today I stay very close to michico, "Michi...are you going to work? I'll be right here waiting for you "

"Michico, what are you doing in GrandPa's room, I want to do with you"

Michico watches TV, I gonna do it, too.

我還是很喜歡大仔的,他是我最好的貓咪保母,今年年初姨姨和媽媽去吳哥窟玩時,就是大仔來我們家照顧我的,我也很久沒見到大仔了,竟然不先跟我玩,所以我才有點難過,好高興昨天有這麼多的好朋友幫我說話,讓我很開心,我會好好珍惜大家對我的支持~! 嘿嘿~!別擔心,姨姨是把我放在第一位,其實平常吃醋的是大仔,我是第一名~!

I still like Arion. He is my best Cat sitter. This year February, Michico and Pamilla traveled to Angkor Wat for 5 days, I was taken care by Arion. He is very good to me, and sleep with me~! It's just Arion is too busy lately, I haven't seen him too long time, he came to my house not play with me first. So I mad.

I am so happy there are so many friends speak for me, I am so happy so many friends support me, you are my best friends. Hehehehe, don't worry, michico put me at the first place, really~! At normal time, Arion is the one who jealous all the time. I am No.1~!

這張漫畫是貓網友畫的,她甚至把MSN的暱稱改成Guuuuuuu.....,我生氣的聲音,andophiroxia 姨姨真的超級愛我,竟然看見我的文章就幫我畫漫畫,真是太感動了~!(請點大看...很可愛)

This painting is drawn by andophiroxia, she even changed her MSN nick name to "Guuuuuuu...." my angry sound, andophiroxia auntie is really love me Hahahahaha, she do this draw immediately since she read my post yesterday, I am so so happy and touched~! (please click larger and see the expressions detail, it is very good!!!!)

昨天有人問這是什麼鏡片..這是偏光鏡 : )
And for Icon Baxter Bentley 's question, yesterday I use this lens, it is Polarizing Filter - PL Filter. You may click larger to see the difference.
And also for Beau Beau & Angie , I am very happy your mommy got the CANON 400D, you make michico very jealous now, hehehehe, she will buy until this end of year, I guess.

Monday, October 29, 2007

生氣,Mad Monday

Last night, I got 2 mad things.
1. 昨天晚上大仔來,拿東西給姨姨。結果,沒跟我好好玩幾秒鐘,就跑去抱我的大姨姨還跟她親親,氣死我了。
1. Last night, Arion came to my house bring something to Michico. And, he didn’t play with me over few seconds, then went to michico, and kissed her!!! Made me so mad!!

And, because I was too mad, I walked though the space at middle of them, and made a sound straight from the lower part of my abdomen, it howl sounds : "Guuuuuuuu…….Guuuuuuuuuuu…..Gggguuuuuuuu……." without mouth open, it is directly from my abdomen, that is very very angry sound. And it’s really scared Arion. Because he has never heard this sounds before, michico has heard it but it was a long long time ago. Arion thinks this condition is not right, he thinks I am angry.

Hmmm! Of course I am angry, michico tried to hold me but I say no. But when she touched me I still purrr, BUT, as long as Arion try to touch me, I continued making that “Guuuuuu……Guuuuuu…..”lower howl sounds to him!!! It scares Arion going away. If He finds michico first without playing with me enough time, give it a try, I will make him scared again! Michico is mine, I am her core!!!


And after Arion leaved the room and waited for michico to change clothes to get dinner, I let michico hold me. And I purrr and purrr loudly. Michico said I am so cute, I am jealous~! Actually my competition with Arion is starting for a long time. We have men-friendship, also have men-competition.
2. 第二件事情,昨天不知道是哪位神明生日。結果樓下附近的廟敲鑼打鼓還放煙火。害我一直躲在椅子底下,因為放煙火還有敲鑼打鼓的地方就在我們這棟樓樓下,晚上整個窗戶都在動動動大響、窗戶也一直亮閃亮閃,嚇死我了。而且竟然持續了兩個半小時,害我真的一直很生氣。

2. The second thing is, last night I don’t know it was which gods’s birthday. In Taiwan, when gods birthday, it will have lots of activity and making very loud music noisy gong and drum music and lots of fireworks, I was hiding under the chair for 2 hours and my window is keep flashing and flashing, lot of noisy discord, makes me really mad.

Michico tried comfort me all these hours, but the fireworks seems never ends, it’s just too scarey.


Today the weather is better, I hope I could happier today.
Continue praying for Miss Peach, she is a little bit better, but still need more improvement.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

寧靜的週日,Silent Sunday

期待我的好友可以好起來...雖然她已經十六歲了可是她給全世界最美的感動~!我也有收過她給的感動~! 她是最和藹寬容的好姐姐~!
Hoping and Praying that Miss Peach could get well, she is a wonderful lady and we owe her hundreds times of Tea Time and garden visit.


Today I stay with michico silently. When she watches TV, I go staytin with her. When she drawing, I go staying next to her. When she shoots me, I don't move and let her photo. When she takes a nap, I go napping with her. Today I am really a good kid.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

珍惜,cherish "meme", bring our cherish to Miss Peach

This meme is for Miss Peach.
Everytime I use computer, Adan sits next to my leg. Sometimes, his fur will touch my leg. And sometimes, I will contact with his eye sight. He will give me the most tenderness mieow, just like saying:" Michi ... dan dan is waiting for you...."

Oah, Adan.... I love you so much, Thank you for always supporting and being with me...


阿丹,謝謝你將我作為你生命的重心~! 我也好愛你~!

He is always full of patient, no matter I will use computer for how long, he might go to bed, but when he wakes up, he will still come back next to me, keep waiting....

Adan, thank you for letting me be your life center, I love you so much as well~!


Now, please allow me leave, I have to hug my little dear, little cutey, little sweet heart, my little sweet warm now....

各位,我這次在這裡發起這個最簡單的串聯文,方法如下(看你使用哪一個人稱) :
1. 說明你會對你的媽咪做什麼最貼心的事情(說明你的貓咪會對你做什麼最貼心的事情)

2. 然後,擁抱著你的媽咪,緊緊地(並且擁抱你的貓咪,緊緊地)
3. 請串聯給你的好友一起做吧~!
4. 關掉電腦...繼續緊緊擁抱...!!

★★Hey, everyone, this time, I decide to start this cherish meme, here are some ways (depends on which person you write), and bring our love to Miss Peach~! She always makes us know what love is!
1. tell us what is the most sweetest warm thing you will do to your mommy (what is the sweetest thing that your kitty will do to you)
2. And, hug your mommy, tightly... (and, hug your kitty....tightly...)
3. Tag your good friend...
4. Leave your computer, and continuing hug each other...

I will tagg, Marilyn MonREOW and Chairman Mao :)

Please go to Miss Peach & Karla 's blog send our love, she needs us!!! This meme is aroused by them, please bring our love to them~!

Friday, October 26, 2007

[昔日]阿丹&馬格麗特&佩姬-3,Farewell Friday, my dearest sisters-3

今天又到了回味的週五,前兩次都是由姨姨說,這次由我自己說,聽說姨姨下週五要爆料我這輩子做的最大的錯事,所以這禮拜先讓我表現我的好,嘿嘿,大家是不是很期待下週呢 ? 等等,今天的事情都還沒講呢~!
Today the Farewell Friday comes again, the last 2 sections was speaking by michico. She said this time let me talk. Because next week she gonna dig my the most presumptuous bad thing I have done in my life. So this week, let everyone know my excellence. Ha haha, do you look forward next Friday's story? Hang on, I haven't started this week story~!


Time flies, Peggy - my first younger sister is growing to a beauty. We all grown to 7~8 monthes old. Why did she wear this hat? Because she was infecting with mold, there was a very tiny spot on her tail infected with no fur. Because the spot is very close to body, so it is not easy to keep dry, she always put her tail down. So this hat she was wearing almost 2 monthes.


Peggy also like ASHIRA very much, as you can see many years ago, ASHIRA was so tiny, now is a gaint turtle.

馬格麗特是我最愛的小妹,媽咪和小姨姨都最喜歡她,她也很喜歡爬在人身上,她對媽咪大姨姨和小姨姨都很好,可是對我和佩姬就很嚴厲~! 這張照片是她爬在媽咪身上的樣子~!

Margaret is my youngest lovest sister. Pamilla mommy and Toshie auntie love her the most. She loves to climb on their back. She is very very nice to Pamilla Mommy, Michico and Toshie auntie, but she is very stiff to me and Peggy. This photo was taken on Pamilla's back. 看到這張照片嘛 ? 馬格麗特常常弓起全身的毛對我和佩姬挑釁,她是個全能的運動選手,我和佩姬都一直追隨著她,她是我們三個人中唯一會開窗戶的貓咪,而且很喜歡拔我的鬍子~
See this photo? Margaret often hump her body and her fur will all stand up to aggress me and Peggy, She is a wonderful Olympian, run very fast. Peggy and I always follow her, and she is the only one of us could open window, and she love using her mouth to pluck my whiskers~~

但是~! 我還是愛她們~!
But still, I love them both~!

雖然我那時才七八個月大,但是我已經是個會保護妹妹的男人了~! 看見我瞳孔旁邊透出的綠色嘛,現在我的眼睛已經大部分是綠色的了~!

Although I was 7~8 months old, but I was a mancat already to stand in front of my sister. See the green color in my eyes? Now my eyes are almost green now.


Peggy was like stay behind me as well. She hate to be hug by human. Everytime, whoever hold her, she will cry very loudly and kick around. But she loves to stay with Margaret and Me.

這是我待在大姨姨的懷裡~! 姨姨最愛的就是我了 ~! 姨姨說我很厲害,現在我已經年紀十歲了,她說我竟然比小時後還要漂亮,讓我好開心~!我想天下女人都會忌妒我,越老越漂亮~!

This is the photo that I stay in Michico's arm. Michico loves me the most~! She says I am very good, now I am 10, but I am much more beautiful than my younger look, let me feel so happy~! I think every women in the world will jealous of me, I can be more and more beautiful when I get older and older.
Am I much more beautiful now?

希望大家有個很棒的週末~! 下週五會有一個我一歲時發生的事情的大爆料喔~! 希望大家下週看了還會一樣的愛我~!至少馬麻和兩位姨姨都還是一樣愛我拉...
I hope every friends have a wonderful weekend~! Next Friday will tell you a extremely Big story in the past when I was 1 year old. I hope everyone could still love me after seeing it. At least my Pamilla mommy and michico and Toshie aunite still love me~~~ Hehehehe~~~

Thursday, October 25, 2007

鑽棉被,My first Thirteen Thursday

啊 ? 姨姨妳要擺鑽阿公棉被的照片啊 ? 不怕阿公看見我的部落格會生氣嘛...??
What ? michico, you wanna put my photo of getting into GrandPa's sheet for my first Thirteen Thursday? Won't GrandPa be mad if he sees my blog...??
Never mind, play first think last, I want to have fun for myself now~!


Since these photoes will put on my blog, I have to get in very graceful~!

看到了嘛 ? 鑽完了不留痕跡~!我就像枕頭的一部分~!

See? There is no sign at the last~! I am like a part of pillow~!

看到我很開心的表情了嘛~! 嘿嘿嘿嘿~!

See my happy face?? Hehehehehe~!
祝福大家有個開心的星期四~! 我愛你們~!
Wish everyone have a great Thursday, I love you my friends~!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

今天又有好吃的&希望大火快點熄滅,cooking 2 & CA Fire please stop

小芥 : 今天又準備了食物給阿丹,上個禮拜沒有寫出來,不過有製作雞心的食物,不過阿丹不喜歡雞心的味道,我也不是很喜歡,所以這週準備了雞肝...。
michico : Today I also prepare food to Adan. Last week I also did it, but I didn't blog it, I cooked about chicken heart, but Adan didn't like it. So, this week, I prepare chicken liver.
ok, this time I prepare the some kelp, and dry fish 2 pieces, 1 chicken liver, around 20pcs soybeans and 1 egg, all poach and with ICE and brewer's yeast powder throw into the blender. Why ice? because Adan loves cold food, so is his cookies, cold cold cold please~!
小芥 : 攪拌之後變這樣...
michico : This is after mixing by blender...

小芥 : ... 嗯...至少比雞心好吃...雞肝真的比較香..

michico : ..... hmmmmm, at least it's better than chicken heart, chicken liver is more savoury.
小芥 : 看看阿丹對於這次雞肝的反應...

michico : Let's see how it goes....

小芥 : 太棒了~! 阿丹超愛的~!

michico : That's terrific, Adan loves it very much~!

阿丹 : 晚餐之後我和姨姨一起看新聞...結果看見了南加州大火的新聞...

Adan : After dinner, michico and I watch the news together, and I see the fire of The Malibu.
阿丹 : 天啊~! 我的好友們...你們都好嘛?????? 好擔心啊~!
Adan : Oah My God.... All my friends..... are you alright????? I am so worry about you~!