Saturday, June 30, 2007

2007 七月桌布下載, 2007 July Wallpaper download

michico :
又到了炎熱的七月,本月的阿丹桌布還是有三種可以任你們選擇 :
Here comes July again, this month we also have 3 kinds of Adan's wallpaper for you to choice:

Option 1:
1. 經典表情 : 非常愚蠢的樣子,這張是阿丹看見玩具的時候瞳孔放大的照片,如果您是本部落格的忠實觀眾,這張在前幾天有出現過,由於大獲好評,所以這張可愛的照片延燒到七月繼續帶給您好心情,上面是1024pixel x 768pixel,下面那張是寬螢幕的 1280pixel x 1024pixel~~,請點大照片之後按右鍵另存新檔喔~!

1. Classic expression : very silly funny looks, this is Adan saw his toy and the pupils were bigger, if you are Adan's blog audiences, you must see this picture appeared few days ago. This photo is very popular here, so, this cutest picture will let us continue having good mood to July. The upper wallpaper size is 1024pixel x 768pixel, the lower one is for wide monitor 1280pixel x 1024 pixel, please click the picture larger and save the file~!

Option 2:
2. 瞪人 : 在上班嗎,心情不好嗎 ? 這張阿丹瞪人的照片可以給你一點勇氣去面對你討厭的小人,你心情不好的時候,阿丹跟著你一起心情不好,有了這張桌布可以讓你上班的時候心情為之一振,上班起來更有力,他可以幫你破除壞運氣,幫你帶來好運~!
2. Stare : are you working now? Have bad mood? This is Adan staring at someone, if you download this one to your desktop, it could bring you more courage to face many problems and people. When you not happy, here is Adan unhappy with you. If you have this wallpaper, you can work with Adan and has more energy, he will get rid of bad luck, you will have much more faith.

Option 3:
3. 心高氣傲用鼻孔瞪人.... : 最近有什麼很high的事情嗎 ? 高興到不行眼睛長到頭頂上了,那麼這張桌布就是就是你的首選,讓大家知道你現在跩到不行~!
3. Too high and mighty : do you proud of anything recently? Too happy and gratifying to people, and this wallpaper will be your first choice, let everyone knows you are very high now~!

Friday, June 29, 2007

螢幕後面沒有貓拉,Daisy is not behind the screen, ok?

michico : Adan saw Daisy on the screen, and appear funny action.
Is Daisy behind the screen?
阿丹 : 奇怪後面怎麼沒東西啊...喵喵快點出來啊....你不是在前面?
Daisy, come out!!! I saw you just now~~~ Where are you? Come out~~~

阿丹 : 奇怪喵喵不是在前面嗎? 怎麼沒有在後面 ?

Strange.... Daisy suppose to be here, doesn't she?


michico, where is daisy????!!!!?!!! I can't smell her.....
姨姨....喵喵是平面的好奇怪喔....你沒有把喵喵藏起來嗎 ?
michico, where is Daisy anyway? I want to play with her, but she is not right there.


michico: Silly dear, it's just a screen~~

Thursday, June 28, 2007

無聊的一天,Boring day

michico was drawing all last night, so it was very boring. I run the house all around, and play michico's watercolors, and she wasn't angry at all!!! Why?? She got very good mood. After she finished, she played with me around a half hour, and we went to sleep. But.... I still feel bored~! Hope something funny will happened today~!
The link as below is michico's works, she is drawing a picture books now (not for children's picture book, for teenager or adult), sorry for this is Chinese, so you guys only could see the illustration only.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

鴿子姊姊~~ 鴿子姊姊~~~~ Come on, birdy birdy~~

天啊~!!! 鴿子姊姊來了~~~~~
Oah My, pigeon is coming~!!!!!
伏低一點...免得被發現了... (michico : 誰鳥你啊...)
I have to get lower, or I will be found. (michico says : who cares?)
挖....鴿子姊姊....你真的好美啊~! are such a beautiful creature~!

今天早上是艷陽天....鴿子姊姊也出來放風啊~! 她一定也很開心可以看見我吧... (michico:最好是)

Today is sunny day, so, pigeon also have some airing. She must also be happy to see me. (michico said: yeah right....)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

飛天貓,Super JUMP~!

This tape really teases me...

I just can't calm down~!
Always bothers me like that, no matter I catch it how many times....


Here goes again~! Ready to attack~!


The back fur also stands...and I lunge, run everywhere I could go~!

Watching where the target is, ready to be.....


Super high JUMP~!

got you!!!!!


Bite bite bite~!!!!


I really jump a long distance, over 51 inches, let michico almost wooden...

Please, it's no big deal~! I am 10, and I have flexible body, OKAY??

Monday, June 25, 2007

昨天遇到一隻做過TNR貓,met a street cat has done TNR.

Last night, michico saw a street cat at a hospital's garage. This lady cat was leisurely, not afraid of people, somebody going around of her, and she didn't mind at all, so, michico took many pictures of her.
She is a gorgeous, reminds me Margaret...
Oah dear, michico took too many pictures, this lady cat is coming through now~!

她很可愛~! 甚至不怕閃光燈~~

She is very cute, and not afraid of FLASH~!


And to show her tender and good intentions.

Suddenly, michico founds at her ear has a miss a part. Makes me feel happy, because this is a cat who accept TNR.
TNR is an activity which means : trap、neuter、release, the detail please see:
That means, this lady cat has so many people love her, michico and I are so happy for her~!

好棒~! 你看看她多美~!

Great to know, look at this beautiful gorgeous~!!!

Hope she could live happily ever after.
michico said to me, I am really a lucky cat.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

關於阿丹的20件事情,rest Sunday & A Meme

1. Favourite season? Winter. In the winter I will have my own big heating, and I love to keep my body hot hot hot. And in Winter my body will more activate.

2. Favourite colours? White is my favorite, orange, light brown….I prefer light colors.

3. Favourite room? Michico’s bedroom of course. I eat, sleep almost doing everything there. Michico’s room have big windows and high shelf, many good place for me to watching birds.

4. Do you like dogs? I do not think so, Ha….

5. Ever been in an airplane box? No.

6. Do you have the get bathed? No!!!! of course not, I hate that. Almost living in hell.

7. Are you in love? Yes! I love michico, michico’s elder sister – my momma, and michico’s younger sister –toshie. I also have a lover before, her name is Margaret, she left us so many years ago, Sometimes I miss her very much.

8. Where would you like to travel to? No, I don’t think so, I have serious carsick.

9. What do you ignore? The smell of human tooth paste.

10. How many lives have you used up? Hmmm….I don’t know about that. But michico often says I have used one, when I was 5 since michico’s dad decide to move, I got a serious ill. Doctor said that the condition is not good. But, after I moved here with humans to a new apartment, I was fully recovered.

11. Do you have any dark secrets? No. I have a sanguinity heart.

12. What is your favourite holiday? Not particular, everyday is holiday to me. I love weekday a lot, because I could know when will my human body home. In big holiday, sometimes they just go out have dates with their boyfriends.

13. Water or milk? water!

14. Why do you blog? I like to share many my silly things and make friends.

15. Are you into extremes? Yes! You could see many article before, really wild.

16. Favourite TV shows? Discovers’s BIG CAT DIARY.

17. Are you a pesty lap cat? No.

18. Inside or outside cat? Inside. The place I live is an urban city. It’s too dangerous out there.

19. What makes you happy? When michico plays with me. Take napssssss. And play peekaboo.

20. Your most embarrassing moment? When I want to jump on somewhere, but I fail. It’s truly embarrass. I often hide immediately and hide for hours.

關於阿丹的20項訪問 :

1. 最喜歡的季節:冬天。除了乾冷以外還有我專屬的暖爐,可以讓我的毛暖呼呼。我在冬天活動量也比較大。

2. 最喜歡的顏色:白色是我最喜歡的。再來是橘色、淺褐色,總之我喜歡淺色的。

3. 最喜歡的房間:當然是michico的臥房。我吃喝拉撒都在那,michico的房間有大窗戶,還有很高的櫃子,有很多好地點可以觀賞鳥類。

4. 喜歡狗嗎? 開啥玩笑。不可能。

5. 坐過飛機嗎?沒有。

6. 喜歡洗澡嗎?噢當然不喜歡拉,我最恨洗澡。

7. 在戀愛中嗎?是啊,我愛michico姨姨、媽媽和我的小姨姨。最愛這三位。我還有一個愛人馬格麗特,不過她離開我很久了,有時候我會想念她到很出神。

8. 你想去什麼地方玩呢?沒辦法出去玩喔,我有嚴重的暈車症。

9. 什麼是你會去避開的?人類的牙膏味道。

10. 你用了幾條命了?嗯,我不是很確定耶,不過michico常說我已經用掉一條了,因為當我五歲時michico的爸爸決定搬家,那陣子我有生病,連醫師都說我的情況不是很樂觀,不過一搬家病就好了。

11. 你有什麼秘密嗎?沒有耶,我只有一顆樂天到很誇張的心。

12. 你有沒有喜歡的節日?沒有很特別的,對我來說天天都是假期啊,不過也許我比較喜歡週一到週五吧,我可以計算michico何時會陪我,週末她們通常都出去約會。

13. 水和牛奶哪個喜歡:水~!

14. 為何你要做部落格呢?我喜歡分享我一些糗事給朋友啊。也因為部落格交了很多好朋友啊。

15. 你會進入很極限的狀態嗎?會啊,我想大家都有看過我很誇張玩耍的樣子了。

16. 最喜歡的電視節目?Discovery的大貓日誌。

17. 你會窩在人大腿上睡嗎?不會耶。

18. 家貓還是戶外的貓?我都只在家,我住的地方太都會了,外面很危險。

19. 什麼是會讓你開心的事情?當michico姨姨、還有媽媽和小姨姨陪我玩的時候。睡覺,還有玩躲貓貓。

20. 什麼是你最丟臉的事情?應該是跳上桌子或者是櫃子跳不上去吧, 超丟臉的,跳不上去我就會立刻躲起來,躲好幾個小時懺悔。

嗯...那我要找誰繼續做這個list呢 ? 我請小烏賊的Lulu,還有Mochimama的Mochi,還有阿JO的金寶,也來寫meme,我也想要了解你們三位喔^0^