Monday, March 31, 2008

隔離第20天 - 吵鬧的樂高;SP - 20 Noisy Mancat Monday

Adan : Look at me, this is a really natural eye-cover. As long as you clogged your head into the pillow, you don't have to waste money to buy the eye-cover and there is no light wil through into your eyes. Next time you could also try it~! It always works~!

Adan : Michico says I am so good could sleep like this, Pamilla asked me what big career did I do, why am I so tired?

Adan : But... ladies and gentlemen, I still looking for a sleep pose could let me cover eyes and ears, because there is always a LING-LING noise came into my ears.

Adan : See that toy? This is given by andophiroxia , there is a bell on it's tail, right now Lego likes hold it by teeth runing around, this is Lego's second favorite toy, and there is always LING LING sounds from the room~!

Michico : Right now because of fungus, and Lego's ear is very easy to have earwax, and he poo 3 times a day. So every morning before we went to work, we have to clean his litterbox, clean the floor, rub ointment, add eating medicine, changing water, add food. Everyday me and Pamilla always busy for Lego until we almost late. Everyone is very hardily rush to the work, and these busy time we can't stay with Adan for few more minutes. OAH Dear, I really hope he will get better soon~! Fungus is really annoying!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

隔離第19天- 陪伴;SP 19 accompany Sunday

Michico : Weekend, Finally find some long time could make the painting sketch, composing painting always need the most attentiveness for me. And always during this concentration time, a lovely gentleman always quietly next to me.

Michico : See this lovely gentleman? Always quiet and accomany me, giving me encouragment.

Adan : Actually....can you understand why Michico uses that small lower table? I am the reason that she is not able to paint on the desk, every chair in this house is mine. Hehehehehe~~~

A plate of Lego also sleep very well~!

Happy Weekend to all of you, and for Caesar, I really miss you today~!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

隔離第18天 - 跳舞 & 機車貓;SP 18 - Dance & Street cat Saturday

Adan : My brother Lego is a very good dancer, look at him, since he was so young and he has the ability to dance, Michico says he likes standing by 2 feets very much, he gets this talents~!

Adan : Look at him, does he dance good? Wowww... I am so so proud of him~!

Adan : And this is the street cat Michico met few days ago, she thinks he is very cool and picture him right away.

Adan : He is very stable, not even care about flash light, makes Michico very happy~!

Adan : Michico says, when Lego grows up, should look like him, wowww... I think that will be great, our family will have very cool mancats brothers :)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Furr Friday

Adan : Michico, who's fur is this?
Michico : This fur is brushed from you this week.

Adan : Whhhhhatt???? Wowww.....ONLY A WEEK I loss so many fur?
Michico : That's right, besides, I don't use that famous brand brush, only your regular brush~! You are in the changing fur season!! The weather is getting hot now!

Adan : Michico, thank you for brushing me everyday, no wonder I feel so great everyday even in my changing fur season.

Michico : Imagine if you eat all of these. That is NOT good, so I have to brush all off. I know you hate eating hairball- Remedy. I rather brush you 10 times a day than see you eating unhappy :)

阿丹:謝謝姨~~ 你現在可以繼續幫我梳毛了。
Adan : Thank you so much, Michico, you could continue brushing me now~~

Everyone could ask your beans start brushing you more often when the changing fur season comes :)
Happy Weekend to you all~!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

隔離第16天 新的貓沙;SP-16 New LitterBox

Adan : Since Lego likes playing litter sand too much, he jumps into the litter box and spray the sand all over the floor everyday, drives Pamilla and Michico crazy. So Pamilla asked Michico buy a litterbox which has cover, in order keep the floor clean.

Adan : What a bad brother, using special treatment, I don't need to use this.

Adan : Michico, let me out, it's so wierd stock in here~~

Adan : See how bad Lego is? He always knock over the food plate, and let the litter sand over the floor. Everytime Michico or Pamilla just clean it up, and it will again and again. But Last night, Lego play the litter purposely continue 3 times again, pee and poo all FLY out.Then Michico whapped Lego's ass for a lesson.
Right now, when Michico stays with Lego, he is no longer play the sand anymore. But for Pamilla, it's better use this new litterbox, because Lego still play sand very raugh while Pamilla sleeps.

Lego : New Litterbox is very good to use, but it is so strange. No matter how hard I kick the sand, it only spray out a little bit. It's not funny.

Adan : could still play until you will be whapped again, hehehehe~~~ Althought I have been whapped my butt while I was little, but I have never play the sand before!

Michico : We teach Adan do and not to do also use hands whapped the butt. Like, scratching screen-window, it can't be scratch, if the screen-window breaks, he will fall from 8th floor to 1 floor. Adan haven't scratch the screen-window while he is 6 months old. So we only whapped something that he just can't be done. But Adan never plays the sand, he is really good. Even new sand he won't roll on it.
Anyway, right now we have to teach Lego since he is young now, too. At least he will be careful while I in the room with him, he will "try" not to play the sand, Lego is very very smart. But Adan also funny, everytime he hears me or Pamilla screaming to Lego say" NO!!!", Adan will come or run to the door and very happy to see Lego is been yelled. And everytime we see Adan comes we suddenly smile and will forgive Lego soon. Adan is really cute and interesting to every condition.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

隔離第15天 - 平淡的週三;SP -15 Wordy Wednesday

Adan : This is Pamilla shot for me and Michico. Michico is very concentrate watching CSI. She is too absorbed that she finds out she has been shot double chin, hahahaha~~ Actually Michico is not comfortable lately, because she has enterogastritis for more than 6 days, finally stop yesterday, right now she is doing very hard on recover.

Adan : Lego likes playing everything, just like when I was little. But Michico says I am more powerful while I was baby, I am happy with her saying.

樂高:請問你們要一小盤樂高嘛? (盤子在胸口,其實很鬆喔,一點都不緊,樂高一隻手還可以伸到孔裡面)
Lego : Do you want a plate of LEGO? (the hole of plate actually at Lego's chest, that hole actually is big, just Lego's chest fur is white. Actually Lego even could put one hand into the hole with his neck)

Adan : Right now you can't see from the photo that how bad that fungus cause on Lego. Next time Michico says she may shot closer. Because from the beginning of Separation day, we didn't realize that is fungus so we didn't put the collar on Lego, so, as long as the place he could lick, all have infection on it. Right now Pamilla is taking care of Lego very hard, everyone in or out of Pamilla's room all washes hands and feet, and Michico clean the floor with dilute ethanol everyday. Everyone needs to through this special time very hardly.

Last time, I draw a painting for Moonsun, she has already recieved it, you could see here to know. And she handmade a thank you card for me for her appreciation, it's so so so beautiful. If you like her handmade cards, you could click here buy some for you or your friends.
Dear Moonsun,
Thank you for your card and words, I will draw very hard to be the best artist :) Thank you for your encouragement~! Thank you~! I will treasure our friendship always!!

小芥:這是國外另外一位貓友給阿丹的兩張卡片,一張是聖派翠屈克節、一張是復活節卡片,都是來自於同一位貓咪 :>
Michico : And Skeexiz gave me 2 cards, Oah Dear, I am so so grateful, Skeezix, Thank you so so much~!!!! Thank you~!!!! My whole family all scream and happy to see your 2 different cutest style~!! They all think you are so so handsome and adorable~! Thank you so so much~!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

幸福點點名:happiness meme

Malica橘子媽點到 :
This meme is tagged from Malica, the one who visit me before.

1. 你目前常逛的 blog 有那幾間 ? 為什麼?
1. Which blogs do you often went visiting? Why?
小芥 : 很多。想看貓。
Adan : So many, I like to know what happened to my cat friends everyday.

2. 最近最鬱悶的事?
2. What makes you upset recently?
Adan : Wants to see Lego, but he has fungus.

3. 遇到喜歡的人,你是勇敢表白還是默默關注?
3. When you meet the one you love, do you self-revealing or caring quietly?
Adan : Rub that guy directly.

4. 說出點你名的人的3個優點。
4. 3 advantages of the people who tagged you this meme.
Adan : Malica is strange, doesn’t afraid of my hiss~

5. 最想珍惜的人/事是什麼?
5. Who and what do you want to treasure most?
Adan : Everything about me I would like to treasure.

6. 愛人和被人愛,哪一種更幸福?
6. Love or belove, which is happiness?
Adan : Both.

7. 你現在最想擁有的是什麼?
7. What do you want to own the most?
Adan : Michico and Pamilla and Toshie never leave me.

8. What is your dream?
Michico : With Adan (maybe naughty Lego) live at Burj Al Arab - Dubai - Jumeirah for 1 Month and it's free.

9. What do you do for the one you love?
Adan : Spending my life time being with.

10. The most happiest thing in the past 10 years
Adan : Maybe is I won’t bother where my food is.

11. In 2 years, what is the goal you want to reach?
Adan : Let Lego knows I am the boss. Keeping healthy.

12. What is the most crazy thing you have done? If not what is the most crazy thing you want to do?
小芥:應該是國中的時候上舞台跳Michael Jackson吧XD~~ 想想那時我真猛。
Adan : Play with every cat in the cat blogsophere.

13. what is the biggest bad thing you have done?
小芥:好難想啊 ... 想不起來了....
Adan : poo on Michico's bed?

14. what country do you want to visit the most at next?
Adan : Hmmm...maybe visit my friends in cat Blogsophere

15. If you could choose, which country you want to stay the most?
Adan : Taiwan, still

16. If you could choose, what career you want to do?
Adan : Bed Tester

17. Which cate you like the best? why?
Adan : Temptations? U.S.?Reason? They are awesome!

18. When you upset or have big pressure, what will you do?
Adan : Yelling, crying and singing.

19. Are you satisfied with your life now?
Adan : Hmmm...No...I need more entertainments.

20. what do you do make you feel happiness?
Adan : When I miss Michico very hardly, she suddenly appear in front of me.


隔離第十四天 - 阿公跟我玩;SP -14 Grandpa loves me

Adan : At Spring, I like this spot on the bed (every season, Adan's favorite spot on the bed is different), I like this spot. I could check Michico's breathing and next to the pillow like her. I am hearing that Lego likes to use the same pillow with Pamilla, I think we have more in common.

Adan : Mommy says that Lego is too naughty. Everytime she tries to work before sleep, Lego will climb on her back or bite her fingers and toesies, drives Pamilla crazy. As you can see Lego is wearing a "collar", because the place he has fungus is at his chin, once he washes his hands or body will infect everywhere, so we have to let him wear. It's very slack, don't worry. It's a little paper plate.

Adan : Last night, Grandpa is very exciting to call Michico to my room and see. He said he finds a way won't let me escape.

Michico : Although Lego is very cute, but Daddy still works very hard let Adan likes him. Makes me touch~~ In these days while my dad came back, although daddy tries to pet Adan, Adan runs away everytime. But Last night he finally figure out this way won't let Adan leave him. I am very touching with this view. Very sweet Grandpa and Grandson view~~

阿丹得到了一個小獎 :)
Thanks for Jimmy Joe for giving me this Fortress Protector award!!

This award was originally created by Tesla who said "I award this to every cat that defends its fortress and castle against evil!"
Jimmy Joe gave me this award because he thinks I make sure that Michico practices her beautiful photography skills, and who is keeping an eye on his new little brother Lego, teaching him who's boss. Thank you Jimmy Joe~~ You are so so moving my heart~!
I would love to pass this award to Ramses, who is a very good uncle now~! I am admiring what he does~!
And Gandalf & Grayson , they are always fortress against bad birdy and naughty squirrels.

Monday, March 24, 2008

隔離第13天 - 吵鬧的樂高;SP -13 Noisy Lego

Lego: Right now the best I could do is biting people. Everyone came into the room don't want to get out, I will hug your legs and bite your fingers makes you can't go anywhere.

樂高:很強吧~!看看我凶狠的樣子~! 下面這個影片大家可以知道我有多吵鬧~!!!我不但跟大仔玩我還要跟馬麻玩,我兩個都不放過!
Lego : Am I fierce? I better catch up because my big brother Adan is a great fighter~!! Please see the video as below, not only I need to play with Arion, I also have to play with my mommy, none of them I could let go~! Anyone into the room have to be played by me!

Adan : Michico bought me a peacock feather. I think the smell is very special, no matter where the feather is, my nose is there.

阿丹:啊,孔雀羽毛你好好聞喔~! 為了你我願意站起來。
Adan : Oah, Feather feather, you smell so good~!!! For you, I could stand by only 2 feet!

Michico : Right now, Adan and Lego are so curious to each other, but they can't at the same room, because Lego's fungus problem is big. All we have to do is wait for the fungus gone. Maybe still need to wait weeks. So we all need to have patient~! Daddy also saw Lego these days, he think Lego also very cute~!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

拜訪米花和米果;Visiting MiHua & MiGuo

Michico here:

Last night many friends went to Peggy's house to see the voting result of President. Peggy is the very famous photographer, remember I took her photo class few weeks ago? You may click here if you don't remember. I am so honored could invited by her to go to her house and see her 2 cats. This is MiHua, she is a cute girl.

MiHua is a very beautiful adorable cat, although she looks pretty, but she is very sassy and fierce. If there is any other cat into her house, she will become a warrior to defend her land, very chic!

MiGuo is a very handsome boy, but also un-touchable. If any other people pet him (not Peggy's family member), he also will hiss and scratch! Wowww~~~~

MiGuo is so clean and beautiful, I like him very much. He keeps smelling my sleeve, perphaps there has Adan's smell on it. He was so engrossed smelling my clothes and gave me a little bite. Looks at me for a while and keep watching other place. So funny.

So hard to imagine he is also a fierce cat, right?

This is another boy cat GAGA was brought by one of friends of Peggy. Gaga was teasing Peggy's cats all night. Makes MiHua and MiGuo hiss all the time.

This is Wajoan, the professional photographer who shoot Adan, Remember? Last night, I met every famous cat photographers in Taiwan, hahaha~!! So honored!!!! In this photo GAGA is sitting on Wajoan's lap and try to attach MiGuo, you can see the reflection on the mirror.

And this is Peggy holding her daughter MiHua, and MiHua is hissing at GAGA.
Hope you all enjoy the photos~!!!

延伸閱讀:貓貓博士夫人 - 悲情的宴客