Monday, June 30, 2008

阿丹是熊娃娃&七月桌布下載;Mancats Monday & July Wallpaper

小芥:挖塞,你們兄弟倆個一起走得這麼帥是要走去哪裡啊?挖塞~~ 真是帥到爆炸!!!
Michico : Adan and Lego wowww....what are you guys going, using these dashing walking pose? So handsome~!
Adan : I am not exactly doing anything...just walking same direction with him...
Lego : Well...I...
Lego : I gonna bite my brother!!!!
Adan : Here you go again !!!?!!!!
Adan : Do you think I don't have dare to bite you? I bite!!!!
Lego : Even you bite me, I will bite harder..... Adan brother don't you leave me!!! You are my Big Teddy Bear doll!!!!
阿丹:挖~~~~~~~好痛啊~~~~~~ (老實說這張照片兩隻貓表情都好好笑喔)
Adan : Oah My God.....So pain..... (Actually this photo is too funny...)
Lego : hmmm? my brother seems not fighting anymore... Great....Adan brother is Mine!
Adan : Do you think I am silly...?
樂高:媽媽!!! 救命啊!!!!!! (媽媽不救只有拍照~~ 嘿嘿嘿嘿)
Adan : Here I bite you BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
Lego : Mommy~~~~ HELP ME!!!!!!!!! (Actually Mommy is doing nothing only shooting)
◎July Wallpapers download◎ Actually 2 brothers doesn't have very close photos, actually after Adan sweet grooming Lego and Lego will bite Adan very hard and Adan gets angry they started the image is not very peaceful, hehehe~~ Hope next month will have good image.
帥帥阿丹微笑,點大就是1024 * 768的桌布。
Handsome Adan smile, click larger will be wallpaper 1024*768.
Very adorable Lego looking at the toy, click larger will be 1024*768.
阿丹和樂高一起看屋內的動靜,點大就是1024*768的桌布。明天就是七月了,阿丹丹的生日7月11號快要到了呢~! 好興奮喔~! 七月是阿丹的生日月,希望即將11歲的阿丹丹健康長壽下去喔~!
Adan and Lego seeing inside the house together, click larger will be 1024*768.
Tomorrow will be July. Adan-dan's birthday July 11th is very very close, I am so exciting, this month will be Adan's birthday month~! I sincerely wish my Adan will always happy and healthy!
Happy Monday to all of you!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

夏儂姨姨;Sweet visitor couple

小芥:星期六,夏儂夫婦來看阿丹和樂高。和夏儂是在夫人的攝影講座第一次見面,第二次見面是在夫人的生日啪。(都和夫人有關係XD~~感恩夫人)。原本她們是要來搶樂高頭香的,但是我已經先答應後母了XD~~,這就像是過年插頭香一樣,大家的誠意都是百分百,但是插到頭香的真的還只能一個人啊Orz。老天爺請原諒我XD~~~ 好了我扯遠了,其實和夏儂也很有緣分,一下子就聊開了,以貓會友真的很神奇,愛貓人都是最棒的人。她是個很棒的婚禮攝影師,技術很棒,拍出來的氛圍也很好,大家可以參考啊。於是,昨天下午,夏儂夫婦終於看見阿丹了,之前夏儂做足了功課,由於她們家有一隻超級害羞的黑白貓小鬍子,所以夏儂很有心理準備看見害羞的阿丹。
Michico : Saturday, Adan and Lego got visitors again, Her name is Shannon, she and her husband are Wedding photographers, I met them on photo lecture course on Feb. Before they came, they have done their homework knowing Adan is extremely shy, so, they are very careful and bring Adan's favorite things come.
Adan : Who is this wonderful auntie bring me the Nori at the first time?
Adan : She even knows my birthday is very close (July 11)and she gives me the gift first!!
Adan with all his present shoot together, there is a tuxi cat doll on Adan's neck with long long tail, it's for Lego, Shannon wishes with this toy, Lego won't chase Adan's tail that often. Adan: Shannon, you are so so sweet to me!
Adan : Shannon, let me know your smell, we are too quickly knowing each other I am not familiar with your smell yet! (Adan smell Shannon's hand more than 1 min)
Adan : See? I am the king, there are 2 beautiful ladies (the right one is Michico)are brushing me!
Adan : Shannon has very good brushing skill. She can brush harder, look how handsome I am~
At the same time, Lego is not free as well, he is entertaining Shanoon's husband!
Lego is showing his best boxing skill, until Shannon's husband tired, Lego is not resting.
Adan : As a handsome and professional male cat model, I have to do my best expression and pose to professional photographer to shout!
Adan : Shanoon kept saying I am so dashing and handsome, I feel so shy!
Michico : And....Shannon lend me the FLASH! Because I am saving money want to buy the flash for shouting more beautiful Adan and Lego, Shannon borrow me one of her flashes that she doesn't use it that much, she says she could borrow me until I buy my own. I am so so touching~~~~~ T_T~~~~THANK YOU SO SO MUCH, Shannon!!! Also thankful to Adan and Lego, without them, I can't met so wonderful cat friends!!!
Installing the flash, the shooting result is totally different!!!!!!!
Oah Adan you are also becoming so handsome~~~~~~
Lego climbs on Shannon's husband's leg and eating snacks~!!!
樂高:我對客人很大方、不過也不會有什麼規矩,這就是我拉!!! 大叔你別在意啊 ~~
Lego is very inviting and not shy at all, I hope the guest won't mind, hahaha~~
And finally, even I took Gina's nip pad out, but Adan doesn't get into it at all, but Lego is totally getting into that!!!!
Michico : See? I feel nothing, even it's nip~!!! (Adan can't get into nip that much in front of the guest)
But Adan really can feel Shannon loves him, so he sit on Shannon's foot, that is his best good attention for the guest first time he saw~! I am very proud of him!
Shannon has a photo with Lego.
夏儂終於跟阿丹合照了,開心滿足!!!! :D
最後,再次很感謝,夏儂的來訪,我真的沒有想到在買到外閃之前,還可以使用到外閃呢,真的是人間到處有溫情T_T~~~~~~ 很感謝很感謝這麼多禮物,阿丹和樂高,你們要好好愛這些愛你們的姨姨們呢。感謝感恩,讓我的週末好豐富!! 尤其是樂高,昨晚根本就是睡死了,這是我從來沒看過樂高晚上會完全只想睡覺,實在是太感動了!!!!! 謝謝你們!!!

And shoot with her favorite Adan, she is very happy and satisfied~!!!
Finally, I have to thankful Shannon's kind attention again~!!! Not only she brings so much good attention to Adan and Lego, she even lend me the flash, what a lucky lucky person I am, I am so so touching!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

躲貓貓;Shhhiiii....I am hiding...

Adan : Hey guys, don't tell Lego I am hiding here....
Cause 3 mins ago....
Lego : Hello everyone, please don't tell my brother I am hiding here....
Because 1 minute ago ....

Friday, June 27, 2008

阿弟馬麻探訪;Mimi visit 2 brothers

樂高:星期三晚上,mimi姨姨來看我。這是我第一次看到mimi姨,但是mimi姨已經第二次來我家了呢。我給mimi姨超多超多鼻子親親親親親親的,讓mimi姨差點招架不住我的熱情。(樂高娘小芥:其實是招架不住你的口臭吧) 我相信mimi姨很愛我。
Lego : Wednesday night, Mimi came to visit me, this is the first time to see her, but it is the second time she came to my house (last year she came to visit Adan). I gave lots of nose kisses to Mimi, almost let her can't handle my passion, hehehehe~~~ I Believe Mimi loving me!
樂高:自從上次後母姨姨來之後,大家都知道來看我要穿V領的衣服嗎?哎呀太害羞了。(小芥:以上這句話是不負責任玩笑XD~~ Mimi姨的衣服是很保守的喔) Mimi姨,我好喜歡妳喔~! (小芥:樂高給別人好好抱的時間都比給我抱的時間長,可能因為我是娘吧XD)
Lego : Michico mommy says I always let everyone so happy and feel so inviting, yes~! I am very friendly cat~! I am not shy at all~!
Lego : Well, Mimi wants to give Adan brother a new toy, but for the basic rule:" Older brother's things are better", but when the toy shows up, I immediately fly to the toy and play~! Mimi was so surprise I can stand by 2 feet for such long long time, and I know she is happy so I stand longer time!
Lego : What a great toy, so much fun!!!
樂高:Mimi姨因為馬麻說我的下垂肚子需要練掉,一直讓我練扭腰運動,有沒有看到我的肚子已經沒了拉~!! 耶~~ 減肥成功了 !!!
Lego : See? My belly fat is gone, because with this toy, I continue twisting my waist.
One more, two more, the fat is no longer anymore!

阿丹:我拒絕玩樂高已經玩過的玩具,因為嘴巴咬過已經臭臭的了。我的心情不好,因為那個新玩具應該是我的,可是樂高卻大玩特玩,所以Mimi姨想要摸我,我就生氣。因為我沒有玩到~~ 臭樂高,搶我的玩具還要搶走疼愛我的姨姨。
Adan : I refuse playing the toy that Lego has played before. Because it already has smelly breath on it. That toy should belong to me, but Lego plays with it so such a long time.... Lego not only takes my new toy away but also grab Mimi away as well!
Adan : I think I better play my dragonfly toy, it's still my favorite!
Adan : Although I didn't play much, but I am a very good model. This is the very FIRST time I sit on the sofa while the guest coming. Michico was surprise that I am so easy today not hiding in the room. Usually I will in my room, but today, I let her shot in the living room. I Hope Mimi is happy~!
小芥:(後記) 最後看見阿丹在沙發上給阿弟馬麻拍照,我心裡也很感動小阿丹也大方耶。最近阿弟馬麻也好忙,我也好忙。終於領養樂高之後也有機會可以讓阿弟馬麻來看看他們兩個了。真的很謝謝阿弟馬麻的禮物,現在樂高每天叼著新玩具走來走去,超級喜愛。愛不釋口!! 不過很可惜阿弟馬麻想要看的兄弟打架並沒有出現,所以我在這邊錄了一段,就是阿丹幫樂高理毛,可是樂高一直咬葛格的胸膛讓葛格最後打他一頓然後跳走的畫面。希望可以彌補一下當天沒看到打架的遺憾囉。再次感謝Mimi!!!
Michico : This is Adan's very first time while the guest coming he sit outside's couch. Mimi actually wants to see Adan and Lego doing wrestle, but they didn't do while Mimi was here. So, I record a film, that Adan tries to groom Lego, but Lego keeps biting Adan and finally Adan can't handle anymore wrestle with Lego and give Lego good whap! YES! I know you all wants to see Adan shows he is the boss, and He did last night~!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

葛格的東西最好;Adan brother's things are best

Lego : Today I eat with Adan brother.
Michico : So touching....Last night I tried to let them eat food together.
Lego : How come I feel Adan brother's is better?
Lego : Oah....Adan finished?
... ... ...

Lego : Then... I....
Lego : let me take over...
Michico : Hey hey hey!! Son!!! Where is your food?
樂高:葛格的食物果然不一樣啊!!!! 這就是男人的食物....
Lego : Oah...Adan brother's food really different~! This is Men's food, not boy's food.
Lego : Brother's water must better as well...
Michico : Silly, there are all same!
I drank lot of lot of lot of Adan brother's water, drink for A minute!!
Adan brother's things are best!
Adan : As long as you don't bite me, anything you can be touched and use.