Wednesday, September 30, 2009

運動運動;Workout Wednesday

Lego : Come on Daddy, today I decide to doing some workouts!
Woww wowww...ok, I have to do some warm up in my mind~~
Ok~ Finish warming up, I am up!

(樂高長好大了,Lego is growing so big, the left was his child time)

啊哈哈~! 被我抓到了吧~!
Muhahahaha~~ Gotcha didn't I?
ㄟ! 跑啥跑!!
Hey, Don't run?!!!!
太好了!! 乖乖的在我手裡喔!!
Good, be good in my paws...
Okay, Dad, come another round, today I have good mood.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

近距離看阿丹;Tuxi Tuesday

Michico : There are not many people could reach Adan, he hides from someone he doesn't familiar with.
If you let him sees you everyday, he knows you, but still, not will be good friends with him.
Everyone has right to choose, so are cats. Everyone has independent personality, so are cats, you can choose which one to be your friend, so are cats. Cat could peacefully be with you, but don't have to close to you.
Lego is a social butterfly, he can be good with everybody, but he doesn't dare to go into unfamiliar environment; Adan is just like me, he watched from far away, only pick the subject he likes to talk, to be with, but he is brave into unfamiliar place.
In Adan's world, he has his own special light, but people who know him, all love him.
He has individual characteristics, very special.
So lovely cute belly, shows his everything to the one he can feel relief.
Very adorable clean paw, is the most beautiful paw I have ever seen.
My dear QQ, I am here, sleep tight~
現在阿丹的最新好夥伴是大仔。每天講一堆話都讓我好想錄影下來,那個互動的樣子很溫馨,不過兩位都衣衫不整,阿丹露點還很可愛不過.... ,實在是沒辦法錄下來,只能永遠放在我的腦子裡頭了。
Right now Adan's best friend is Arion, they talk and talk and talk everyday, and I like that interaction, I really want to record their chat everyday, but....both of them doesn't dress well, so I guess I just record in my head. :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

我和阿嗲;Man and Mancat Monday

Lego : Daddy is super great, he hugs me and seeing computer at the same time.
If he looks some photos or article about me, I will be watch the monitor as well.
Sometimes my eyes are tired, daddy doesn't care at all if I take a nap. Daddy's arm and belly are so much bigger than mom's so it's super comfy.
You are so great, Daddy, since you are a great pa, how about give me another meal?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

水彩畫阿丹和樂高;Cat Art Sunday - Adan & Lego

阿丹:嗨~ 偶在睡覺,因為今天是星期天,當然要舒服的睡一下囉,姨姨在忙著畫圖,我等她等到睡著了拉~!
Adan : Recently, Michico took a painting case from my friends. She hasn't paint about cat-close-up for a while, and she is very serious about this painting case, so she paint me and Lego first for warm up.
步驟一...step 1.
Adan : I think it won't be that difficult drawing me and Lego...although thinking is easiler than doing....
步驟二...step 2.
And wait wait wait.....
Michico you are taking so much time, I am too tired to wait.... I sleep first!
然後睡醒了姨姨還在畫.... 是不是真的要這麼久啊..... 姨姨上色上了三天....
And while I woke up, she still painting, is she really taking that long time? I sleep for days!!!!
快好了,剩下步驟三.... Almost done, only step 3. left.....
你們看!! 三個步驟就畫好了耶~!
See...!! I told you, only 3 steps and the painting has been DONE!!!
PLEASE click LARGER too see this painting's detail~!
小芥:這是我第一次畫樂高喔~! 這兩隻貓交疊的部分,意思是兩隻貓帶給我彩色斑斕的天空和世界,讓我認識更多美麗的人事物。希望大家會喜歡。
And this is the very first time Michico painitng Lego!!! Michico is so ready right now painting my friends... give her some time~! See you next time's Cat Art Sunday~!
P.S. 2 cats that overlap area, means 2 cats gives me colorful sky and the world, showing me more beautiful people, things and stuffs, I really grateful for them.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

3 段丹和大仔的對話;3 concersation between Adan and Arion

小芥:每天,阿丹和大仔總有說不完的話,阿丹對我說的話,就是呼嚕呼嚕,可是對大仔說話,就是啊啊、喵喵、欸欸這樣。大家來看影片臆測一下,阿丹在說什麼?(p.s. 大仔要澄清,本篇影片大仔已經有喝點小酒,所以聲音怪怪的XD~~。)
Michico : Every single day, Adan & Arion always have lots of things to say, Adan always purr and purr and purr thousand of time to me, but he speaks " aaa aaaa" "meee mee mee" ....etc. to Arion, please ckick the video, what do you think Adan says to Arion?

Friday, September 25, 2009

貓咪喝水;Drinking water show

Drinking water always is the most important subject at daily cat live, since 2 cats has a little pee problem early this year, so they have to drink lot of water everyday. Now let our Lego shows drinking water, and the bean is Arion, he shows how to force giving water. (P.S. Not everycat could do this, because our Lego is a bucket holding water, holding food, and he is very good at pooping... = . = )
Lego : Although my face looks strange, but I am good at drinking water.
Daddy will take a very big injector, close to my big tooth and little push, and I will started drink it.

I drink this way 50cc a day, and I drink water by myself, too daily. If you don't have things to do - drink water, drinking more water will help your healthy. Let's go drink some!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

快樂時光;Happy Hour~

Michico : Arion is full of love, playing with 2 cats. Arion says since he has 2 cats, he is not always sitting on the chair, he has activity now - Playing with cats, and it's good for his joints.
黑咻! 樂高真的很高!! 一下就搆到了。
HeyShow~ Lego is really tall now, he can very easily reach it.
With his long figure and his whole body close to the wall, he could very easly touch that line.
very different body shape, hee hee~
Adan reach his hand, too!
Hey Adan, are you having a stretch?
Adan stood up at the same place, doesn't move forward, so his can't reach the line with that height, he started scratch the wall, very cute.
Lego : Adan, you want to scratch or grab?
Adan : Quiet~!
Everytime while the feather shows up.
2 cats's eyes are bling bling~
Lego is really bigger than Adan now~
This time becomes Lego standing my both his feet, not only the pad parts.
Adan just give Lego a little kiss, right now Adan always good to Lego.
有三個男人陪伴真幸福 :)每一天的相聚,都是永遠直得珍惜的永恆。
I am so lucky has 3 lovely men be with, everyday every gathering time, is the moment of treature.