Saturday, October 31, 2009

胖高已經準備好過冬了;Lego is Ready for winter

Michico : Lego, your face is getting bigger, I thought you only have big body, now your face is come?
Lego : Don't you see? Tomorrow the weather will be chillier, my white neckerchief is ready for winter, and it makes my tabby neck all disappear.

Friday, October 30, 2009


Lego : For my shape, Daddy always plays with me everyday to exercise.

Lego : Mommy treats me good, she shots from this angle, I totally don't have big belly. I am thin!

Hey, Mommy, this angle is wrong, it will let my butt bigger~

Thursday, October 29, 2009

蹭蹭蹭;Rub rub rub

Michico : Adan loves rubbing people, but he only loves few specific people, if he approved, he will show his love, if not, he ignores you. He treats people who he loves very deeply. And if someone he loves reach fingers, he eyes will shine!
RUB! He rubs very hard to the finger, so strong that he maybe afraid you can't feel his love.
Even Adan likes being alone, but his love is very strong.
And he also loves rubbing toesies as well.
好像很好聞... <汗ing~>
Maybe it's good to be smelled...
Lego loves everyone, as long as you treat him good, he loves you. His love is very different from Adan, you stay next to him, you can't be sure he loves you the most, but you can feel his tender and soft, his friendly personality makes you always smile to him.
Lego loves rubbing the door, this means he wants to be hugged, to be played with, to be pet, if he wants to eat, he mieows.
He rubbs the door so lovely that makes his face smaller, hahaha~~ I guess this door is full of Lego's smell now~
Do you want to pet Lego?
Adan and Lego, every different personality, close but also fight to each other, they are very special brother. Very funny.
Both of them are very cute, like human, they have their own beauty.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

我愛你的真意;The truth of "I love you"

p.s. 其實樂高在咬葛格的肩膀喔 ( Actually Lego is biting Adan's shoulder)

p.s. 想要看樂高有多霸道搶葛格的墊子可以點這邊。(小芥:事實上那是大仔買給我的墊子啊.... T_T~)
P.S. If you want to see how much overbearing Lego did to Adan's pad you can click here. (Michico : Actually that pad is a gift Arion bought to me!)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

大頭丹 & 大肚高;Tuxie & Tabby Tuesday

Adan : Lego?
Lego : Yah?
Adan : Lego???
Lego : WHAT?!?!!!
Adan : Why your tummy is so big and head is so small?

Monday, October 26, 2009

喝湯時間;Mancat Monday

Michico : From Adan's child time until now he is 12, he doesn't eat can food, but since he and Lego both got urethra problem earlier this year, I started give them can food and with lots of water.
所謂罐頭湯是阿丹,1/4罐頭,加80西西的水,樂高1/2的罐頭,加 120西西的水,然後阿丹通常只喝水,樂高會把水和料都吃光,繼續吃哥哥的料。樂高真是一隻大肥豬。
Can soup means Adan eat 1/4 can food with 80cc water, Lego eats 1/2 can with 120cc water, usually Adan drinks water only, and Lego finish all, and continue eating Adan's. Lego is really a pig.
But, I still like that Adan loves drinking the soup, that is great~!After he finish the soup and he back to eat his dry food.
As long as you are healthy, Adan!
小丹丹今天又喝光罐頭水了,好棒喔。好吧,我去拿你不要吃的肉給樂高了 Orz。
Okay, now Adan finished the soup part, I got to take the meat part to Lego now.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

侯硐有貓的水彩;Cat Art Sunday

Michico : At the end of this month, there is a small exhibition at HouTong. HouTong is a very small village with lots of cats, I have been there last year, you can click here to see and remember. With lots of cat lovers and including me, there will be lots of photos doing exhibit there, and I will exhibit as well, including this painting. You can see the past article here to understand why I draw this, because this is the scene at HouTong.
This painting is complicated, really tired, hehe hee~~

Lego recently is a best pal with my father-in-law now. I am very glad with that.
This is the finally painting finish look that, you can click larger to see.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

溫暖多拉;So much warmer

樂高:歐~! 溫暖多拉,媽媽的這個抽屜果然很不同凡響的溫暖。

Lego : OOoooooah, this is so much warmer~! Mommy's drawer is really great!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

阿嗲的臂彎;Daddy's Arms

Adan : Before I am going to go to Mickey's bachelor party, Michico chats with me asking to have great fun with Mickey and every mancats.
Adan : I will have great fun Michico, see you after I came back!
Lego : Great! Now I own the house, the winter is really near, and I have a heater for my own!
樂高:媽咪說我很過分,她也很想變得這麼小縮在阿嗲的臂彎裡面,一定粉舒服。沒錯,就是粉舒服。怎樣啊媽媽,妳忌妒我嘛? (樂高是自己爬進阿嗲的懷裡喔)
Lego : Mommy says I am mean, because she want to be as small as my size, and into Daddy's arms, must feel great, yes mommy, I feel wonderful, are you jealous? (Lego climbs into Daddy's arms by himself. No one push him.)

靠緊~ Real tight!
Lego : Mommy, get out, Daddy's arm are mine!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Michico : Last time, one of my cat friend in Taiwan says, Adan & Lego close together because I didn't open the whole window, a small gap view could see outside, so Adan and Lego has to cuddle together. Well, I want to prove my friend is wrong, because Adan & Lego sometimes is really close dearly to each other, see I open the whole glass area!
Adan and Lego!! (Adan is the tinner one~)

What a lovely lovely view!!!

And YES, They DO FURRRRRY close together, fur cuddle~