Saturday, May 30, 2009

梳毛樂&蜜月第二天見海;Love brushing & Honeymoon see the beach...

Adan : Yesterday, I was brushed by mommy, Pamilla also knows I love been brushed.
Oah This is just wonderful~!
From the back to the tail.
Brushing is enough, I don't wanna take medicine...
The second scene at the second day of honeymoon, is going to the beach, seeing what is "Surfer paradise", because the rain stopped for 10 mins, we went to the beach, cold, cloudly and no sun....this is NOT the beach I was dreaming...

But the sand under the foot is so soft, makes me so so happy.

After 10 mins walking on the sand, it was big raining again, we rush back on the tour bus and having dinner, and reach to the hotel we gonna stay for 4 nights.
Raining Surfer was not paradise at all...

Friday, May 29, 2009

婚禮花絮-1;Wedding titbit-1

Lego : By the time we introducing Mommy and Daddy's Australia honeymoon travel, we will also introduce a little bit Wedding titbits by Mom & Dad's, because the photographer also send the photos here! This titbit we brought you the second dress of their wedding party, mom & dad wore the mask from Venice website hand-made mask, it's very exquisite and beautiful.
You could click the photo make it larger to see the detail.
Mommy loves me and Adan brother so much, so she must wear the mask of cat, this cat mask is very unique and pretty.
Arion daddy wore the mask of birdy feather, meaning cat are always fascinated by birdy. I guess mommy really understand we loves the pigeons.
照片都可以點大、All the photos could be click larger!

Certainly, this wearing suprised all the wedding party guests, everyone loves their costumes so so much.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

慵懶到不行耶&蜜月第二天-2;So lazy & H Day 2-2

Lego : By the time Adan brother is taking his medicine to against his urethra problem, I only could just lay down here, doing nothing, I can't take medicine for my brother anyway~
So so bored....when can I wrestle with my brother again? Right now I even can't touch Adan, or he will hiss at me very loudly... Right now I only could give him a little sniffing...
Hey Adan brother, get well soon, I want to play with my new grandpa and grandma soon!
Michico : After leaving the Christian school, we reached to Brisbane City Hall. It's very beautiful~ Brisbane is not an old city, but this is one the most classic building here.
Across the city hall, there is a church,OPTIMUS PRIME sat there seeing great view.
Don't know why, while I was taking these photos, the business travel to Moscow last year just come back gives me a flash back.
And this is police car here, there are very beautiful blue checkered flag printed on it, isn't that interesting?
After leaving there, we reach to the river of Brisbane while the rain stopped for a while, we took a little walk, you can find out our travel to Australia doesn't have much blue sky view, but the weather is comfy while it doesn't rain.
And Brisbane is one of City at south Taiwan's sister city relationship! I felt so honored.
There is a park just next to the river, and it has man-made sandy beach and pools. It's really clean and special, and the air was very fresh as well.
Even Optimus Prime felt so happy to play with gulls.
And there is a long corridor like dragon shape through the whole park. And you can walk under the flowers.

This is the main weather at our honeymoon traveling, cloudly day, and rainy day....didn't have much sun. No sun at the sun of the state, hee hee~ And while we were going back to the bus, it rained again. God always gave us few minutes stopped the rain to let us off the car and shooting, and gave us big storm very quickly after, and moving us to the next stop...
This is for drinking water, I think it's very special so I took a shot, and the background is Arion's butt, hee hee~


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

和媽媽感情也好 & 蜜月第二天-1 With Pamilla & H Day2 -1

Adan : During the time Michico & Arion went to the honeymoon, me and Pamilla mommy had a great good time, after took medicine, I become a great sweet boy, Mommy says I am so great~!
Adan : Certainly, Mommy said I am also cunning, too. While I am taken medicine forcely by Pamilla, I am very bad, and after Pamilla success, I pretending pity and tender, But I am really pitiful, who like eating medicine anyway?
阿丹:就這樣,最近我和馬麻特別的親密,然後也繼續餵藥的抗爭行程,那個大姨姨買了一個投藥器,對不起,沒錄用,因為我太強了,哈哈~! 好,接下來請繼續看大姨姨和大仔的蜜月行。
Adan : So, let's for today, me and Pamilla are closer recently, after I recover, then we move to Arion and Michico's home, and before that, I will continue against eating medicine. Michico also bought a stuff could let Pamilla help me eat capsule easily, sorry not working, I am just TOO GOOD! HEE HEE HEE~~ Okay! Let's see Michico and Arion's honeymoon now!
Michico : After 8.5hrs's flight, we finally reached to Brisbane- the state of Australia, Brisbane is the state of sunshine, and I see the sunrise on the plane, I am so exciting, Arion loves the sun the best, I can tell this is the most wonderful honeymoon that Arion loves.
Finally leave the custom, and Optimus Prime doesn't need any passport and into Australia very freely.
But, while we leaving the airport gate, I just wooden, WHERE IS THE SUN? IT'S RAINING!!! The sunrise I saw on the plane, it's beyond the clouds and the clouds, right now it's just illusion.
We don't do any rest and we directly to the first scene, and this is a observatory could see through all the view at Brisbane, even could see the sea.
WHERE? Only rain and cloud, big rain cloud only let me see the white view.
這是一個在佈告欄旁邊的煙灰缸,有點引起我的注意,所以我把她拍下來。總之,暖暖的陽光之州,現在可是又濕又冷!!!導遊說他已經幫我們查過天氣了,這前三天都會是陰雨綿綿的天氣,我心裡就想,天啊,我想要帶著大仔到了他愛的陽光之下,詢問了很多人才選這個地方,結果,下雨拉! 不知道大仔會不會對於他的蜜月行有個不良印象的開端?
We don't have this kind of ashtray at Taiwan, so I took a shot... Anyway, the sunny state - Brisbane, right now is wet and cold, the tour guide said he has already checked for us, the rainy day will continue 3 days, Oah God, I choose Australia -Brisbane because Arion loves the sun and I asked so many people and choose this place, now there is no sun, I hope Arion won't feel too disappointed from the start...秋天的布里斯班在下雨的時候其實天氣很冷,大家都披上外套(但是明顯的我沒有XD),但是導遊建議大家一定到了澳洲要開始吃冰淇淋因為這邊的奶製品是全球知名的,所以大家就開始擠到賣冰淇淋的地方開始買 (其實不李斯班到處都有賣冰淇淋的地方),我買了一個冰淇淋,我忘記他的名稱了,是兩個英文字但是其中一個英文字寫著 crazy,看起來很特別。
Brisbane is autumn actually really cold while it rains, everyone wore the jacket (but I didn't),And the tour guide suggested everybody has to eat icecream here, because it's great! So, everyone stock at the ice cream shop, and I bought an icecream with a name with crazy, I think the color is unique~
各式各樣的顏色冰淇淋雜在一起,看起來很讚。吃起來也非常好吃喔!! 大仔吃了一口也覺得超級濃郁好吃。
Lots of colors here, Arion also tasted it, he loves it, too!
And, after we leave the scene, we went to the restaurant for the lunch, before we got out the plane, we just finished our breakfast on the plane, less than 3 hours, now we have to eat lunch. Arion only went to other country once before the honeymoon, that time we were independent traveler, but honeymoon we just want to relax, so we joined the team travel group, with the travel group we will fill with lots of food and stay in the car, after the lunch, Optimus Prime photo with a empty beer bottle, the background view is the restaurant building.
And the Christian school across the street is very famous. Long time ago, this stone wall were carried stones by female prisoners from far far away. This school is big, and the wall also long and high, that means the female prisoners carried lots of lots of stones, I guess the view must be imposing...