Tuesday, June 30, 2009

小強小強,你不能屎啊;Oah roach don't die ~~~

小芥:就在我陶醉得欣賞阿丹的睡像時,阿丹忽然醒了,讓我也嚇一跳 ...
Michico : While I am so happy seeing Adan's sleeping pose, he suddenly woke up makes me also suprised~

Michico : Adan rush being there, but the roach also away~
And just a second, Arion killed that roach~

While Arion brought the roach body out, Adan was kind of disappoint...

Adan you are so so cute!

Monday, June 29, 2009

樂高也來了;Lego is also here!!!

Michico : Yesterday evening, Lego also to the new home, let's click the video to see he and Adan how to saw each other.

Adan is really a great brother, actually Lego hide for a while to came out, but Adan kept watching over him, and care about him, you can see they kept kissing noses to each other.

Michico : This morning, Lego is back to the normal naughty Lego explores new home, Arion and I think maybe the whole house will up side down while we back home...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

星期日,樂高要來了,記得麥可...Sunday, Lego is gonna be here...Remember Michael Jackson

Michico : Arion's house is very close to the river, earlier yesterday morning, we woke up at 4am to go to the river to see the sunrise, thanks for Arion could be with me wake up so early, hahaha~~

阿丹: 今天傍晚樂高就要來了?感謝老天!!
Adan : Lego is coming this evening? Oah Thank god!!
Adan : Lego hurry come!! I can't hold on by myself!!! I miss you!
小芥:從小學三年級開始,喜歡上麥可傑克森,雖然這幾年有不良的新聞,但是我依舊非常喜愛他的歌曲以及才華。如今,麥可離開的人間,他對世界的影響力卻永遠存在!! 在這邊我想要分享其中一首我最喜愛的MTV之一Remember the Time給大家,裡面有貓咪讓這個mtv更加好看!!
Michico : While I was at 3rd grade, I started like Michael Jackson, even he is not very welcome these years at some public news, but I still like him, today, he left. But his powerful will always affect the world. I like to share one of my favorite MTV of his- "Remember the time" there are cats in there, it's a very terrific MTV and Song!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

兩個男輪;men Saturday

小芥:兩個男輪在床上 ...床頭還有囍字...嗯...
Michico : 2 men on the bed, and has "double happiness" red word... Hmmm....
Michico : Hey hey hey~~ control yourselves!

Friday, June 26, 2009

書房大探險;Big adventure in new Grandpa Grandma's study room

Michico : Daylight, my new mom & dad will come up (they live 5th floor, Arion & I live at 6th)to practice calligraphy and painting, right now Adan is afraid of my new mom & dad, but that is quite normal,my dad uses YEARS to let Adan likes him, right now Adan met Arion's parents only a week, so I guess they still need LOTS OF TIME. But Adan likes exploring every spaces.

And this video below is me and Adan pet to each other, he uses tail and I use my finger, actuallyl I do this for a while, but last night I think this condition is sweet and interesting, so I film it.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

婚禮花絮-2 NOAH 鞋子是我的新娘鞋;wedding titbit-2 bride shoes shots

Michico : I would like to introduce another wedding titbits are my wedding shoes, I married with Arion over 1 month, can you believe that fast? NOAH shoes is one of my favorite shoes brand in Taiwan, and Lego likes that shoes box very much.
This yellow one I have introduced before, I wanna show that I wore this one on the way Arion and I went to the Administration center registered to be husband & wife.
This was the moment while we finished the register, Arion is watching or ID card that the spouse part is not blank anymore, we have each other's name on it.
And this is the provement that I wore NOAH's yello high heels.
And about the wedding shoes, I also introduced before, you could click here. This is custom made, only special for me, I ask the photographer give the shoes very close shots!
Before I change the wedding white dress, the shoes already made me more elegant.
With the wedding dress, the shoes also very unique and match with the dress.
While I step on the double tile to break it, the shoes is beautiful and strong. (The step tile is a traditional ceremony for Chinese bride.
I broke the double tiles and brings me good luck, I step very very hard.
最後晚禮服搭配也是非常完美,NOAH的鞋子讓我當新娘那天充滿了好運還有好評,這麼高的鞋子穿了一整天腳完全沒紅腫也沒起水泡,超讚,而且大家都說很好看。希望你們大家也會跟我一樣喜歡NOAH SHOES。最後再次介紹她們的PCHOME商店街,請點這個就可以去欣賞她們的線上專櫃了。
Finally, the red dress with the shoes also perfect~! I hope you also like my high heels, hee hee~ Oah yes, these are really girl stuffs~