Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Adan : Hey guys, I came back to Michico & Arion side, Lego still have to be with Joanna for a while, hee hee~ Pamilla mommy will be back next Monday~
I feel so relax, no more hiding anymore~
I need a great sleep~

Monday, May 30, 2011

三重有貓;Cats in SanChong

Michico : Behind the alley of our house, there are few kittens are adorable, I saw him and his brother together, and their mother.

They seems easy and relax, and this view also makes me happy~
3 cats are grooming~
And the people live here always bring them fresh fishes~
And the granddaughter of the people who live here~

That is so nice these cats has someone to take care of~

Sunday, May 29, 2011

悠閒週日;Easy Like Sunday

Lego :  I bet no one could find me~
 Huh? How come my butt feel chilly?
 噢,嗨~ 媽,今天星期天,讓我睡久點拉~
Oah, Hi Mom, today is Sunday, let me sleep longer~

Saturday, May 28, 2011

媽媽愛我;Mommy loves me

Adan : Poor Lego, comparing to him, I am hiding at a very safe place avoiding my little cousin~
But someone found me still~
嗨~ 媽~ 妳這樣我會被發現拉~~~
Hey Mom, you will let Joanna find where I am~
Pamilla (Michico's elder sister )mommy: Don't worry, I will protect you~ 

Friday, May 27, 2011

姨姨最好;Pamilla auntie is watching my back

Lego : I am so glad that Pamilla auntie is back to Taipei for couple weeks, she is the best~
And right now I have a very scary little baby cousin, I have to very careful every minutes~
And the best is, Pamilla auntie also helps me watching~
It's so great someone is always watching your back!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

我說不要ㄇㄟ;I said No

寫在前面:樂高適度的表現自己的情緒,可以很直接的跟嬰兒溝通,嬰兒也可以理解,什麼是貓的底線,一直逼迫是不行的。樂高一直都沒有伸爪子,只是很適度的表現他的不舒服,其實樂高是恐懼的。小外甥女被哈氣了其實越挫越勇,完全不退縮哩。不過還是有比較收手~ 所以其實樂高的哈氣是有效的喔。認識樂高的人應該知道樂高是不哈氣的,小外甥女真的激發了樂高的本能了~ 我們教導小孩要摸不要抓、要輕聲細語不要尖叫。小外甥女因為樂高阿丹開始可以跑得飛快,真的要很感謝兩個毛孩子~
In these 2 days, we show Lego hiss to Joanna, but relax, both Lego and Joanna doesn't get hurt, Lego didn't reach to his claws at all, only his soft paw, he knows and understand can't hurt the baby, and we are also teaching Joanna petting not grabbing, whispering not shouting again and again, everything is OK, the whole time we adults around both of them, it's a very good education between cat and baby to get to know each other.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

生氣;Get Mad

樂高:我原本和阿公有個美好的夜晚的~ 不過你們就接著下來看吧....
 Lego : I use to have a good evening with Grandpa, but....you can see what happened next~

 Toshie's daughter Joanna use me as her pillow, crush very hardly on my back!!

I was mad!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

很開心回到家;So good to be home

Adan : Pamilla Mommy(Michico's elder sister) is back from ShangHai for couple days, and that is Great!! Michico knows that I missing her, and this week I return to Michico's original home with Lego and we could be with her~
And it's so good to be HOME~~~~

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mancat Monday

樂高:啥?噢!! 星期一了!!
Adan : Tabby Lego, Today is Monday already!
Lego : What? It's Monday?
Lego : We are going to be the guarding the house again~
Adan : We are very important mancats!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011