Friday, September 30, 2011

阿丹一回到沙發;When Adan goes to original home

Adan : These days, mommy is coming back to Taiwan for a week, me and Lego also went home to be with her, the sofa at original house is so soft, I immediately stay on it and have a great nap~

Thursday, September 29, 2011

摸肚肚;Touching belly

This is what Arion does to me everyday: 
Playing my belly~
是有這麼好玩嗎?看他這副開心的樣子!! 吼!!
Is that fun? Everyone please see his happy face, that is really out of control~
I should be respect from him, I am an old mister~
不過,玩完後,我的肚皮還滿舒爽的,嘿嘿~~ 噓~~~  不要告訴大仔噢~
But, after Arion touched, I think my belly feels good, but hey, don't tell Arion, I don't want him know this.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

不讓就是不讓;aim't going to move

What will Lego do to Adan-dan anyway?

Adan : Hey, would you move a bit?
樂高:不要~ 媽媽上班穿的味道,我要~
Lego : No, this is the clothes which mommy wears to work, I want it~
阿丹:可是我也想要這個外套啊~ (蹭~)
Adan : But I want this clothes, too~ (rub~)
Lego : You move!!! (hit!)
阿丹:摁...你最好就不要給我起來! 因為我會搶這個位置!
Adan : Hmm! You better not get up! Because I will take this seat!

樂高:哼! 我才不會起來~
Lego : Hm! I won't get up!
Lego : I am so lazy I won't leave me sofa seat~

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

下一步是什麼呢?What is Lego's next step?

Lego : I am great and lying on the sofa~

And the season is getting into fall, it's great~
And, a cat which was not invited coming....
And this cat is blocking my view, and I can't see every movement in the living room~
Guess what will I do next?

Monday, September 26, 2011

樂小高的表情;Mancat Monday - Lego's expression

Lego's expression is very lovely, he has a very beautiful face but a little bit sorrow~ 
He like staying on the air-condition and see every movement in the room~ 
Certainly, as long as the food sound, he immediately awake and transfer to another look~

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Easy Like Saturday & Sunday

 Michico will be busy this weekend, so we make Saturday and Sunday's blog together~ Me? Not that busy, but have you noticed that the weather is getting cooler?
 I do, so, I cured and have a nice circle to catch some warm~
Have a very lovely weekend to all of you my dear friend~!

Friday, September 23, 2011

喜歡跑~ Likes running

Michico : Adan this old kid is really funny, right now the one who help Lego exercise is he~ Every night Adan often just being crazy without any reason, and chasing Lego and boxing with Lego just help him workout, but usually, Adan runs a lot than Lego... 
Adan is really enjoy himself, actually Lego doesn't want to move at all, but Adan will pretending Lego is attacking item and suddenly showing up scared him and making Lego smashing, so...exercising Lego's arm? 
hee hee~
But I think Adan like the feeling of run~

摔角不是重點,而是喜歡和樂高玩~ 阿丹其實很喜歡樂高,是用這種方式表現的,但是了解的人不多,連樂高自己都不知道呢~只是樂高每次都很不領情,動都不動或者是就揮揮手這樣~
Wrestling is always not the point, but playing with Lego, Adan actually likes Lego by using this way, but only few people understand, even Lego doesn't understand. But everytime, Lego just think Adan is being crazy to annoying him again, he doesn't know Adan is helping him workout~

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Adan : Surprise!!
Adan : Nothing...
Lego : ... ...

樂高:吼!! 被你嚇一跳拉~
Lego : Hhoooo, you scare me!!!!
Adan : I have to help this kid loss few weight, he is too "big"...

樂高:看來媽媽說得對,如果要抓到葛格一定不能躺在地上抓啊~ 葛格好輕盈噢~ 他怎麼做到的?
Lego : I guess Mommy is right, if I have to catch Adan brother, I have to get up my butt.... Adan is so light, how does he do that?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

親人丹;Adan is close to friend

Michico : Adan is getting open years by years, he used to be a hiding cat when people come. But now, he like walking out.

Few days ago, Malica came to our house, Adan came and having a little walk.

And it let Malica so happy~

And it makes me happy, too. Adan is really different~

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

阿嗲和我;Daddy and I

挪~ 就這樣坐著,真好~ 兩個這樣窩著~
 Here they are, sitting together~ 

Lego has a little bit smile~ 
任何一點相聚,都是令人珍惜的時刻~  珍惜每個在一起的緣分~
Any little gathering, are the precious moment~ Treasure each moment we are together~

Monday, September 19, 2011

和外甥女玩 Play with my niece

Last night Toshie auntie and our little cousin came to play with me, we had a great time~

We were dancing together, playing together~

Little cousin saw I jumping, she wanted jumping as well~!

I am flying~!
See I was doing great~!