Saturday, March 31, 2012

我也想畫;Me want to paint something

Michico paint, I want to paint something on this, too~
But.... this is huge~
姨姨~ 來一點顏料給我吧~
Michico~ Give me some colors~
我可以的 真的~
I can do it, really!

Friday, March 30, 2012

陪伴;Be with me

Michico : These 2 kids are very thoughtful, this house is that big, they are staying no where, but right next to me~
Isn't it sweet?
I am a very lucky owner~

Thursday, March 29, 2012

可愛高;Cute Lego

Actually this is a very big couch, but I stay at a very tiny place.
我和哥哥都不喜歡旁邊的竹席,因為會夾毛不舒服,不過這塊很舒服~ 這裡有一個銀灰色的布,是媽媽的帽子~
Me and Adan don't like the bamboo-pad next to me, because it clips our fur, but I stay at a very comfy spot, there is a gray cloth, and it's mommy's hat~
It's has Mommy's 'flavor'~

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

緊緊擁抱;Hold me tight

大仔最近很忙,可是這種秀秀我很愛~ 他每天很晚回家,都會給我這種秀秀~ 緊緊的、壓縮~ 讓我開心的該該叫~
Arion recently is extremely busy, he will prepare a very big national test late this year, so he went to the night school every night after work, and back home over 22 o' clock. Everyday he back home, he gives me this tight, very close, big hug, and makes me meowwww~
大仔~~~ 辛苦一整天了~~~ (養寵物可以降血壓、提高免疫力噢,這是有報導證明的~~~ 讓你的身體更健康~)
Arion, hey, welcome home~~~~~ (having pets will make you more healthier)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

叫人睡覺;Calling for sleep

阿丹:好~ 姨姨,我知道今年上半年妳要把畫債還清,不過妳也該睡覺了~
Michico : Ok, Michico, I know you decided to pay back your all painting-debt, but right now you have to sleep.
It's pretty late and I need someone to warm my bed.
Keep on my butt, now, sleep!

Monday, March 26, 2012

阿公阿嬤的番茄;Grandpa & Grandma's Tomato

樂高:這是阿公阿嬤種的番茄~ 很不錯吼~
Lego : These are tomatoes planted from Grandpa & Grandma, isn't it nice? 
It's big, and it looks fresh~
And even have small size.
I watch these tomatoes everyday, ask them growing up nicely, they are following my orders!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cat Art Sunday

小芥:前一陣子,想要嘗試留白膠的功能,隨手畫出這個作品,這是使用後母的柔柔作為模特兒,結果後母很喜歡就要去了。真的很開心,隨手的作品被後母拿去收藏了~ 她還裱起來噢~
Michico : Previously, I want to try the function of "Masking fluid", and draw this painting, as Gina's cat for model, and Gina loves it. And she framed it as her collection.

The painting is so beautiful while it framed, thank you Gina.
And later last evening, I went to see " Art Revolution Taipei" it's an exhibition. And the exhibition could be photoed!
I didn't photo a lot, but I photo cat art~ I can feel more and more artist loves painting cats, and I think it is great~ 

下面這位是我特別想介紹荷蘭的藝術家:Peter Harskamp , 他的作品真的是太棒了
And I want to introduce this artist : Peter Harskamp , his work is fantastic~! 
You can find him here:

I hope one day I can have my very own exhibition here as well~

Saturday, March 24, 2012

可愛的臉;Adorable face

Mommy thinks that I have an adorable face, how do you think?
You have to say I am adorable, or I will be unhappy~~

Friday, March 23, 2012


This is our second tunnel, the first one is over~
Michico made a hole at the back side, kind of interesting, I may have seem this shape before?
Anyway, I test this tunnel, and it's OK~

Thursday, March 22, 2012



小芥:欸~ 丹丹~ 你是吃啥吃這麼好吃?
Adan : Hey, Adan-dan, what do you eat? 
阿丹:... ...
Adan : ... ...
So yummmmm~~~

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

可愛的臉;Lovely face

Some many say cat only have 1 face, but to me, they have a lot of expressions, lots of feeling, and lots of cute~
We always enlighten their faces, and they are responding our moods~
You are so lovely, my dear fellow~

Monday, March 19, 2012

Man貓;Mancat Monday

Adan : As a great mancat, you have to keep watching any small detail around your house, and every tiny move.
And when mancat watches moving, also need a very cool back sight, and I think I have a very handsome nice back sight~

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cat Art Sunday

拖欠很久給小乖的畫,終於完成,今日親自送到府上~ 娜將好可愛~
I owe this order for Karen so long, finally finished~ Today I send this painting personally to her house. And this is one of her cat, so adorable~

This half year, I will finish every painting order that I owe before, please hold, I will finish quickly~ Sorry for your waiting, I have been to busy!!
This red leaves were picked up while I went to mountain climbing for Karen, and she will frame this painting with these leaves~