Tuesday, July 31, 2012

伸手;Reach hand

Adan : Reach my hand, to you~
我知道你需要我~ 來,握住我的手~
I know you need me~ Come, hold my hand~

Monday, July 30, 2012

仔細檢查;Watching detail

Adan : Michico is doing her new draft, and I am watching very carefully about her detail work~

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Saturday, July 28, 2012

奧運 Olympics

樂高:今天開幕好好看~ 妳們看了嗎?
Lego : Today's olympics's opening so great, did you watch?

Friday, July 27, 2012

準備好要看倫敦奧運了嗎?Ready to see London 2012 Olympics?

大概是台灣時間星期六凌晨四點鐘,我想我們已經準備好了~ 你們呢?奧運一直是姨姨喜歡的盛事~ 開幕、游泳、跳水,還有體操~~ 好期待~~~
It's around Taiwan's time Saturday early in the morning about 4am, it will start~ Olympics opening will start,  Michico loves Olympics a lot, opening, swim, diving, trampoline ...etc, so looking forward to~  

Thursday, July 26, 2012

思考;Thinking Thursday

Summer, but why does it become cooler today?
I am wondering if today will have rain~

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Adan : I have a comfy day myself, how about you?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

感謝你;Thank you

Thank you my dear, everyday waiting Arion and I come home, guarding us. See us back home safely. We are fine. I am wondering if you find any interesting bugs at daylight? If you do, you can play with them, but don't eat them, ok?

Monday, July 23, 2012

超帥氣;Mancat Monday

Adan : Being a truly mancat means, you move like a ninja, no one knows you are behind him~

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

他們真厲害;They are really good

Adan : I am wondering what is this, what are Grandpa and Arion doing?
It's too deep to me~
I guess they are doing something with bean litter box.
Grandpa is really good, They are that I totally not understanding~

Friday, July 20, 2012


Adan : Stinky Lego loves stealing my food too often! Right now I am hiding here and watching, if he dare, I'll whap him good!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

大肚仔;Big Tummy

小芥:樂高我真是搞不懂你啊~ 夏天還可以食慾這麼好~~
Michico : Lego you are truly amazing, you can still have great appetite at summer~

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

美好的一天;Beautiful Day

Adan : Today's weather is great, my mood is great, whatever I do, whatever I see all is perfect~
Can you understand this feeling? GREAT Mood, I wish everyone has a wonderful day~

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

小鼠;mice toy

Michico : I was surprise to see this, so I photo as record.
Adan lie on the mice toy.
This mice toy used to give to Adan from cat friend, but Adan didn't love it, so, when I adopted Lego, I brought this mice toy stay with Baby Lego, and since 4 years ago, the mice began Lego's very good friend, and he always bites the white one, years and years until now, Lego still love this toy. And today, Adan stays on it, on the gray one~
Adan : Don't be surprised, I just need a pillow~

Monday, July 16, 2012

吸管袋子;drinking straw plastic bag

Not funny, Arion, I don't like things on my tail~
My tail will be angry~~ 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

悠閒週日;Easy Like Sunday

Can you feel my relax?
Wish you all have a beautiful Sunday~

Saturday, July 14, 2012

還是很熱;Still very hot

Lego : I heard today will be cooler, but I don't feel any cool around me~

Friday, July 13, 2012

玩;play play play

Adan : Gotcha gotcha gotcha....!!!
Hey~~~ Where are you going!!?!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


夏天到了,昆蟲多,可是姨姨不准我玩它,但是她去上班的時候,我和樂高玩了好幾隻了~ 別跟她說~
Summer, it's bugs heaven, but Michico doesn't allow me play roaches, but the thing she doesn't know: Me and Lego play few roaches already while she is work~ Don't tell her, ok?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

雙倍生日快樂;Double Happy Birthday

我的兩位小叔很可愛,小的小叔看看大的小叔要不要上來一起吃才一起吃,後來他們都太客氣兩個都沒上來,不過我有請他們吃我的生日蛋糕 :)
Michico : This is my 32 year old birthday, of course the most important is, it's also Adan-dan's 15 year old birthday.  I asked my father and my younger sister- Toshie together join my little party, I made lunch for them. 
我的生日蛋糕~ 也是阿丹的生日蛋糕~
My birthday cake, also Adan's Birthday cake~
阿丹~ 謝謝你陪伴我15年整~ 幾乎是我人生1/2的歲月。我們一起繼續走下去~
Adan-dan, thank you for being with me 15 years, it's almost my 1/2 life time. Let's keep walking together~
And as for Toshie, Adan being with her over her 1/2 life time~
謝謝我的家人不管是自己家裡的還是夫家的,一直以來把阿丹也當作是好朋友、好夥伴~ 幫我慶生的同時,也一起幫阿丹祝福~~ 阿丹已經是個年紀好大的老朋友了~ 他如同很多年紀大的人一樣,有很多屬於自己的堅持,但是他的內心也有柔軟的心~ 他是了解大家的想法的。
Thank you for all my family members, treat Adan as their friends and buddy,  as my birthday time also wishing Adan wonderful blessing, Adan-dan is a very big age cat, he has some very different personalities, but also has a very soft tender heart, he is very understanding. 
1. 祝福我娘家、夫家所有的家庭人員以及兩位貓公公,身體健康、情緒心情永遠愉快平順。
2. 希望我的畫圖小副業發展得更好,變得更強,做很多想做的事情。
3. 秘密~
My birthday wishes:
a. Wish my all family members (mine and Arion's) and Adan-dan, Lego-go have great health and good mood for always.
b. Improving my painting business better, I want to stronger and do more things that I want to do.
c. Secrets, ha~
蛋糕真的是蛋的形狀~ 切一切也拿給兩位小叔品嚐~~
My birthday cake is like an egg shape~
阿丹沒辦法吃蛋糕~ 不過我給他喝一點小黃瓜果汁降暑氣~
Adan can't eat cake, but I let him drink cucumber juice let him feel cooler.
Lego also have some, too~
Wish everyone's cats all happiness~