Wednesday, October 30, 2013

我要小心;I have to be careful

Lego : This photo was the moment of yesterday's photo, Adan really got me~
Lego : Now I am suspicious, I have to watch out my back every moment~
Because someone might crush on me again~

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

好機會;Great chance

Adan : I wait for this moment for a long long time~!

Friday, October 25, 2013

這就叫壓壓,懂嗎?This is kneading, got it?

Adan : I am teaching Agnes, what "kneading" is, I think I am teaching pretty well~

Monday, October 21, 2013

再忙也要幫你們種一盤貓草;Cat grass for us

Adan : Although Michico is extremely busy at taking care of Agnes, but she doesn't forget to grow some grass to keep us healthy.

It's yummy~~

Thank you, Michico~~

Sunday, October 20, 2013

悠閒週日;Easy Like Sunday

Adan : Agnes, sleep tight, I will make the nightmare go away, I love you, too.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

對樂高有意思;Agnes is interested in Lego

Lego : Please don't touch me, Please don't touch me, Please don't touch me, Please don't touch me, Please don't touch me, Please don't touch me, Please don't touch me, Please don't touch me, Please don't touch me, Please don't touch me, Please don't touch me, Please don't touch me, Please don't touch me, Please don't touch me,........

Saturday, October 12, 2013

賣造;You shall not pass

Give us our second breakfast, or you shall not pass~
We mean it~

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

讓媽媽很忙;We keep mom very busy

Lego: Sister Agnes finished her dinner and mommy is patting her, and the weather is chilly so I climb on mom's lap and have some warm. Anyway, we both are keeping mom very busy~

Sunday, October 6, 2013