About Adan's Family 阿丹的家庭成員

阿丹,出生於1997年 7月左右,小芥的大姊所領養;由於不知道確切日期,所以跟我一起過生日,為1997年7月11號生日。
Adan : In the Country of TAIWAN Taipei,  Adopted by Pamilla.  Born on 1997 July, we don't know the exactly date, so he has birthday same date with me's, and it will be July 11th.
原本阿丹的同胎還有兩個妹妹 -瑪格利特(虎斑)&珮姬(白底三花),並且超意外之下,在阿丹和瑪格麗特生下了三個小孩。
With the same birth of cat Mother, Adan also has 2 younger sister - Tabby is Margaret, the white one is Peggy, and with "accident", Adan and Margaret has 3 kids.
And, with lots of unhappy reasons betwen Michico's dad & his ex, finally only kept Adan in the house.
但是我們永遠都知道,阿丹的小妹 - 馬格利特,永遠是阿丹內心最愛的貓咪。
But we always know, Adan's youngest sister- Margaret, is always the favorite cat in Adan's heart.
Adan owns lots of people's love, when he was 2 years old he became an only cat until he was 11 years old. Finally Michico's family was stabler, and we thought Adan was older need to have a company to excite his life, so Michico adopted a kid - Lego.

Might not be the best idea, but this is relationship, from 2008 March 11 they became brothers.
And they fight everyday.

直到 2009年,小芥和交往超過六年的大仔結婚,阿丹和樂高搬進了這個新生小家庭:
Until 2009, Michico get married with Arion which seem each other over 6 years, Adan and Lego also join this new little family.
小芥 和 大仔 在 2009年5月 16日結婚。
2009 May 16th, Michico and Arion get married.
And....Adan and Lego live with Arion& Michico and they fight until now, still everyday.

And our story continues....
And 2013 July 27th, we have a little sister - Agnes~!

And our stories will continue~